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The Chill Squad's Personal Home Page

My Favorite Things about the Chill Squad

Hey, guys. What the deal? Well, recently we went to Six Flags on the May 18, 2000. I don't know about you guys, but I had tons of fun in the sun. I thought it'd be cool if I made a page to keep track of our "events" so I put this one up with pictures I took and will take. This page is made for the eyes of the folks who chilled with us regulary and is also dedicated to my pals. So here we go.

I am going to start with our first "event" Six Flags. We had fun with everyone. We got there and I took a couple of pictures. Here is one of Nykky and Pam.

Wow. They both look good, don't they?

Then, we went on. As we were waiting to get on the Batman ride I had to honor to take a picture of some of the finest asses out there. I call this Picture Asszilla.

Again, we moved on to the next attraction. Eventually, we got split up because my homie Adam went to puke his brains out. Some of us went the see a 3D movie where Scarlett got kicked in the head. After twenty tries to take a picture, we took this one:

Josee's in the back, I'm underneath him and Awilda is to the left of me. Hong is to the right of me and underneath me is Nykky and Pam. All one of my close and dearest friends.

Later, we got on this NASA ride. I sat with Pam and crushed the poor girl, but before that, I had the honor to take a picture of her. Here is what she looked like before she got squashed.

Whoa! Now she, I can honestly say, is a very atrractive girl. Always has been and probably always will be.

After hours of pleading, we finally went on the "wood thing". As we waited in line, I caught some pictures. Here is one of me and a very lovely friend of mine named Brenda.

In my opinion, another very pretty girl I have the pleasure of knowing. As the line progressed, I took a picture of my best friend Josee and me.

He's a pretty young lady, too. Just kidding.

When it was time to leave, I caught a picture with my very good friend Adam. We got caught stealing.

We kind of held everyone up from getting on the bus because we wouldn't return the items. Who needs silk thongs anyway?!

When I was walking out the gate, I took a picture of Nikki's ass. God knows why. It has been used and abused. Just playing. She's cool, too.

Waiting for the bus, my crazy female friends decided to fool around and act stupid. I'm glad I caught a picture of it.

Apparently, Nyyky, Pam, and Hong tried to shoot me. I also sneaked this picture, one of my favorites, in before we left of me and Pam.

As we said goodbye to a great day of fun, we took a very memorable shot of everyone.

I'll remember and cherish that picture because it was one that I took with friends.

Quote of that day: "My dick, my dick, my dick is on fire."

Hey, guys. Well, I'm back with pictures of the most awaited event of the year, the Mini-Prom. It was a special moment for every eight grader. It took place on June 8, 2000, from 6:30 to 10:00. Let's get started.

Well, when we got there we all took pictures. I took a picture with the most beautiful prom date ever, my prom date Pamela.

She looked gorgeous all night long...never lost my attention.

Then, we kept on taking pictures, but now we took them in groups. Here is one of the guys.

(From left: Bryan, Alf, Tony, Adam, Abe Lugo, Gerry, Francisco, and Ray)

The last group shot I took was of couples and single people. It came out kind of dark, but it's a nice picture.

(From left: Jose and Brenda; my beautiful date Pam and I; Bryan; Juan; Hong; Francisco; Hygeia; and Jenny and Marcus)

Towards the end of the prom, they shot a picture of my negro Francisco and I.

Francisco is madd cool and I'm glad I got to take that picture with such a cool guy.

Well, we all left and went to Adam's for the after party and as we were leaving they shot a picture of Josee and I. It came out nice, too.

Well, the eight grade in general had a wonderful and special time. Everyone looked so nice and slick with their ice. I can't wait until we move on to the high school, our long awaited high school years.

Quote of that day: "I got so much ice, you could skate on me."

On June 10, 2000, the McGinnis School Marching band went to Wildwood, New Jersey. We marched for about half and hour and marched for three million hours. I took no pictures until we were leaving the hotel we were at.

The first picture I took was with Monica Roman. We took it while everyone else was boarding on the bus in front of the hotel.

We took several pictures that day, but not all came out.

Before we got on the bus, though, I took advantage and took a picture with Amanda, she never takes any pictures so I consider this rare.

She practically begged to have that picture taken.

Right after we took that, Nikki jumped in and took one with Amanda.

They look like sisters. That's the last picture Amanda was in for that day.

Well, we were getting people on the bus when I decided to take a picture with Brenda.

I spent about an hour with her on the bus ride home.

Right before we got on the bus, I took a picture of some real thugs.

We thugs don't play. We travel in packs.

The bus ride home was crazy, though. We had some whackos on the bus.

I got up in the front and took a picture of everyone on the bus.

On the road, I took two shots of Brenda and I.

We had madd laughs and fun on the bus. She's so weird, though...just playing.

The next girls I took a picture with on the bus was with Hong. Everyone's favorite Asian looked so Asiany.

Since the back of the bus was the loudest, I took a picture of everyone sitting in the back. I jumped in the picture.

Those people were so thuggish and loud that they were searched for by the lady watching us for a pair of pants.

Later on, I moved to the back of the bus. I got a bright picture of Monica and I.

The days was over and we all got home safe. I took a third picture with Monica on the school steps.

We took several, but they didn't come out.

We all had fun that day...even me! It was cool. It was hot that day, though. It made marching tough, but we got through it and marched our last McGinnis School Marching Band parade.

Quote of that day: "Right I look good, Miss?"

On the 26th of June, some of us packed our bags and headed to Ewing, New Jersey. We were accepted to participate in the Collegebound program for five weeks. We lived on campus and boy, was it a fun experience. It was so phat.

Well, the first picture I took was in the main lounge of Jose, Katy, Slanty Eyes (Hong), Pam and I. It came out kind of dark, but what can one do?

For some weird reason, they accidentally bunked Francisco and I together in the same room. It was pretty cool. I had madd fun. I took a picture of my roommate. It's messed up, because the lighting sucked.

Since I took one of him, he had to take on of my log and I.

Obviously, since we took solo pictures, we had to take one together.

It wasn't easy living in dorms. Mine smelled funny especially since Francisco wouldn't stop passing gas. It was funny, though.

This next pictures is completely different from the rest. We switched places.

This one was taken by the window and not the door so it has a completely new setting.

All right, all right. We took more than one of ourselves, but we're not conceited. He is, but I'm not.

I got to say, though, even though we worked everyday and sometimes pulled all-nighters, it was a great experience for us all. I can't wait to do it again next year. Who knows? Maybe even with the same vain roommate.

Quote of those five weeks: "Eat, sleep and smoke some weed."

On Thursday 26th of June, the band and the guard went of to perform in Orlando, Florida. The trip was off the hook. The bus ride was about 22 hours so we got to the hotel Friday afternoon. That evening we went to a little shopping/restaurant place called Mercado. It was fun, but the following day we got up to perform at Universal Studios. We had to wait quite a while to get into the park so I snatched this pictures of Anthony, Francisco, Jorge, me, Juan, and Jose.

When we finally got inside, we broke off the groups and my group wondered off into the wrong park! It was cool, because I had time to snap this shot of Katy, me, and Greilyn.

When Katy and Greilyn left, it was us guys and Julisa. As we walked to the next attraction, we took this picture of me, Juan, Francisco and Jose.

Before we went on Jaws, us thug life people went to take a picture by this big ass shark. Francisco, me, Juan, and Jose almost got eaten alive.

When we finally left on our own, the three musketeers, Jose, me, and Francisco, had a close encounter.

As we took a break from all those attractions, we just walked around and Jose, me, and Francisco snapped a shot of us by the real life space shuttle.

Even though, it was only us three, we knew how to have fun. Eventually, they put out posters looking for me, Jose, and Francisco.

That night not only happen to be Universal Studios day, but it was also a special occasion. It was Pam's birthday. As we celebrated that night, we arrived to the bus thirty minutes late, but it was all for Pam. This picture of me, Nikki, Ray, Jose, Pam, Francisco, and Hong was taken before we went restaurant hunting.

As we waited outside of some basketball theme restaurant, I not only had the honor, but the privilege to take a picture with just me and Nikki. She looks very nice in this picture.

On Sunday, we went to Water Mania a had ourselves some fun. Since it was a water park, I did not take my camera, but when we went to dinner to a Chinese restuarant that night, I took my camera. This is Greilyn's reaction when she mistakenly forgot that we had put soy sauce, salt, pepper, etc. in her soda. Boy, she's funny.

When we came out of the restuarant, I had this banging picture taken of some of us waiting for the bus. I really think my hair came out nice. It was Francisco, Pam, Jose, Hong, Nikki, and me.

The bus wait was rather long so I had time to fit in one more picture of Nikki, me, and Pam. It came out real good.

On Monday we went to this phat new park called Islands of Adventure. This new park was off the hook. It has some of the phatest rides out. When we went to the Jurassic Park section, Katy, me, Greilyn, and Mr. D took this nice picture.

The last picture of that day and that trip had to be of the three stylin' niggies, Jose, me, and Francisco with Woody. It was really Woody.

The trip to Orlando was so cool, but it seemed to go by fast. I would do it again and again with the same people, because that is just how much fun we had. I will never forget this trip. It had to be one of the phatest ones we've ever had.

Quotes of the trip: "Esa es tu lechuga con tomates y papas fritas para servir bisteck?" and "Yo, you know Diza?" "Diza who?" "Diza Nuts In Your Mouth!"

On May 30, 2002, the Perth Amboy High School Marching Band loaded three Academy buses to go to Myrtle Beach down in South Carolina. It's about a fourteen hour ride down there, but believe you me, it was worth it.

Right around the corner from the hotel we were staying at was a little water park. Here is a picture of Gerry, Juan, Abe, Francisco, Ray, Adam, and Steven.

After we stopped messing around outside the park, we paid the $2.00 to get in and took some pictures inside there park. In this we got Steven, Francisco, Juan, Adam, Gerry, Ray, and Abe.

In the water park, there was this playhouse of doom. We started fooling around there and took a picture of Ray, Abe, Adam, Juan, Gerry, Steven, and Paola in this tree house.

After we had our fun during the day, night fell. We walked around this amusment park and the strip, but of course, we had to eat so Juan, Cindy, Gerry, Erica, Denise, Francisco, Pam, Joselito, Hildania, Glerys, Steven, and Jessica went to Friendly's.

The next day, a few us of guys went to this miniature golf place. Here is a picture of Ray trying to fetch a ball that I hit in the river.

He couldn't find it so Abe gave it a try.

That night we returned to the famous strip. As we were making our way back to the hotel, we caught a picture by the amusement park of Gerry, Steven, Francisco, Cindy, Pam, and Joselito.

Later that evening, we were confined to the area around our hotel so since our hotel was right on the beach, we went there. I'm not really sure who is in this picture, but I know she's a guard member. Anthony is in the backround.

Once they stopped acting all jerky with my camera, we caught this group one of Gerry, Polo, Cleiton, Denisa, Arlene, Mike, Javier, Monica, Andy, Michelle, Lasandra, Fabian, Christine, Erynie, Angie, Drew, Mike, Steven, and Leo.

After that shot, all the girls got in one shot. Here is one of Denisa, Erynie, Monica, Arlene, Christine, Angie, Lasandra, and Michelle.

After the girls, it was the guys' turn. Here is a shot of Gerry, Juan, Andy, Javier, Mike, Fabian, Anthony, Leo, Drew, Ubaldo, Steven, Mike, Cleiton, and Alexis.

After the weekend was over, Monday rolled around, but this was no average Monday. We were all on our way home that day, but made a short stop at King's Dominion. Gerry, Alf, Nykky, Rosalie, Francisco, Katie, Juan, Steven, Hong, and Alexis took a picture.

While making our way to a roller coaster, Nykky and I stopped to take this photo.

After our crew walked around for a bit, Alexis, Alf, Steven, Juan, Francisco, Gerry, and Josue copped this picture.

In the park, we caught Katie, Nykky, Hong, and Rosalie in this photo.

Later that day, we took a picture of everyone that was with us which included Gerry, Katie, Francisco, Hong, Josue, Juan, Nykky, Steven, Rosalie, Alexis, and Alf.

Apparently, Rosalie, Francisco, Nykky, Alexis, Alf, Juan, Katie, Gerry, and Hong wanted to take this picture with the Reptar vehicle.

It didn't stop there with the Nickelodeon characters when Nykky, Rosalie, Katie, and Hong went to the Blue's Clue house.

In this next picture, almost everyone here won or bought some stuffed animal. Gerry, Nykky, Francisco, Katie, Hong, Steven, Rosalie, and Alexis flaunted their animals.

The last picture that I took was of Gerry, Francisco, Steven, and Juan at our last stop. We took this picture in Baltimore.

This trip was off the wall. It had everything you can ask for in a trip. I don't anyone will ever forget this trip. Everyone had fun regardless. I would, however, like to give shoutout to my boy HBK who couldn't make it. It was a shame he couldn't go. There is always next year.

Quote of the trip: "Coo, coo! Caw, Caw!", "Good books.", and "Madd cocks."

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