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Issue Five

~*Chathouse Zine*~
Editors Note To me this is the most important thing that I need to say... Fanfan, all my love girl and all my Sugar too. HUGE HUGS & no hesitation, you need something I can provide you yell...
Well, we've gotten tons of responce to the featured chatter interviews we've sent out, thank you everyone *S*, however there are a few negative notes to this as well. Everything always has at least one negative point though, right? Well, we've got so many that there is absolutely NO way that we can tell you what date you'll be featured until the week that issue is due out, we're trying to do them in close to the order recieved.*L* There are very few things we ask when we interview you, though we are incredibly grateful for the responce and the time you're taking to fill these out, we still need cooperation as well... I do hope you all understand, we know you're doing us a favor filling these questionaires out, but we cannot support large files. If you have a small graphic or picture you'd like posted with your interview that's fine, a small one can be sent to us and will be used, however this too has limits (which is presently set at 15K). There will be absolutly NO porn posted upon this site. We're trying to make this a *safe site* for all ages. Also any profanity in submissions will be edited, *S*. Thank You.*psst* were you thinking spring?! ~Michigan Storm™
Eve and Eve's Mustang - a gift of time who met by chance and allowed that chance to carry them to a unique level seldom born on the internet. They met in person 2 years before the 27th of August 2000 and have since proven that enduring qualities are truly what it takes to withstand the test of time.
~Eve's Mustang

The only suggestions we've had for names for our little egg are these:
ermm... COME ON people!!! *L* Send us some names or we're going to have an egg on the front page every week with the name CRACKHEAD *L*.
It's A BOY!!!!!!
Fantasy of Zero Gravity had a new baby recently
Born April 19 @ 1:34 p.m.
Tyson James *leaving last name out for privace purposes*
6 lbs. 13 oz.
18 inch. long
Dark hair
Dark blue eyes

-From Discofish


For about 3 years or more now, KENBROOK has been coming into the chathouse, mainly to Joe's Diner on the Next Level. Although over the past year he has only been going in there now and then. For those who know him and for those who have ever come into contact with him, he is not a well man. I'm not sure if you know or not but he has cancer. He is lucky to have survived this long but for how much longer no one knows. He has deteriorated quite a bit over the past 4 to 6 weeks but one thing that he wanted to do before he dies is his homepage. When he first told me he wanted to do one...I thought to myself..."Ut ohhhhhh.... " cause you see, KENBROOK isn't very computer minded but he had his mind set on doing this. At first he got very frustrated with it and wanted to give up, but I realised why he wanted to start one in the first place and so encouraged him to keep going. He wanted to put his thoughts of life, love, death etc. and have something for me to hold onto after he is gone. I then understood his reasons behind doing it. Also, when he is concentrating on it, it gets his mind of his pain and what he has. The work he has put into it over the short amount of time since he started it and with no knowledge in the first place has simply amazed me. But then again, he has always amazed me with his courage his strength and his whole outlook on life and with what he has. The next few months are going to be very hard on him health wise but I know I will be beside him, helping and supporting him in whatever way I can. I guess I have gone on a bit too much here but what I am asking now is for you to take a few minutes to check out his homepage. We could all learn a few things from a man who has so many great qualities about him that if I went on about them all, there would be no room in here for anything else, but then could say I am a bit bias. *S*
His page is located at .

Dedicated to Andrea From her Guardian

Internet Love

Is it possible to love someone whom you’ve never met
Never shared the passage of a kiss or gentle touch?
Is it possible for passion to stem from the mingling of conversation
Mixing dreams, sharing prayers, and such?

Is it possible to feel you life is complete
Knowing that the person you care for is far away?
Is it possible to share happiness and laughter with that someone
Or share the slightest amount of grief or dismay?

I confide in you, that there is the possibility
Love that is guided by values, morals, and thought
Love that is not stained by societies taboos
Love that the scholars of the world never taught

Allow yourself dreams, allow yourself to want
Know that there are possibilities beyond your mind's grasp
Eternal love of a person despite time and space
Born from the union of minds, hearts, and souls…Love that lasts.

By Jay Duty for Lady Misty


Oh! When will I,
When shall I be,
At that safe place,
Where I'm happy?
If time were free,
If I could fly,
Would it carry me,
Past misery's dark sky?
Can light shine bright,
Where darkness fell,
To end my plight,
Or show my hell?
Will I then see,
Or still be blind?
Realize it's me,
To myself unkind?
Shall truth reighn,
Where lies abound?
End this pain,
Or die without sound?
Can peace now fill,
This empty hole?
Make love real,
Heal my soul?
The path made clear,
Must I go?
Beyond the fear,
A road I know?
Is it past my vanity?
Beyond my greed?
And end to insanity?
Yes. It's him I need.
Upcomming Issues
-Michigan Storm™

As was mentioned in our editors note we have limited time and space here, as does anyone with a free homepage. We'd like to make this site last as long as possible, thus using our space wisely. *S* To be as fair to EVERYONE as possible we've placed a few minor stipulations on the future themes and issues. *S*

May 7th, 2000 the entire issue will be dedicated to a few chatters that we've lost to God just this week ending. If you'd like to say a goodbye or something for ro$ie or Shari please send it in.
May 14th, 2000 is Mothers Day, Please send in anything you'd like to share about your mum (greatest memory, favorite quote, or if she gets online just say hi?) Please limit these to only one or two lines, no more then a short paragraph and have them in by May 12th.
May 20th, 2000 is a Saturday, but is Armed Forces Day in the USA, anything you'd like to share about someone in the Armed Forces or about the Forces themselves will be put in the issue on May 21st. As well chatters from ANY country can submit things to be included!!! EVERY country has Armed Forces, don't they?? *S*Again please limit these to no more than a short paragraph.
May 29th, 2000 is Memorial Day... Rocket *aka Maestro* wrote in with a wonderful idea for this issue. The zine is normally posted on sunday as you all know, but on the last weekend in May there is a good chance it will be posted a day late, please get your submissions for this in as soon as possible. NOW, even though Memorial Day is a US Holiday (in the UK they have a Bank Holiday that day). We want EVERYONE to feel welcome to use the day as it was meant to be *S*. Memorial Day is a day to remember those who were important and special in our lives and this is what Maestro wrote: how about a tribute to all the chatters who we have all loved and lost to tradegy over the past few years? And this is what we shall do for the May 28th, Memorial Day issue.
Please feel free to write in about those chatters dear to you whom you have lost, and also those who may not have passed, but no longer chat here and are missed. The issue will be dedicated to those we've cared about. Again to be fair to everyone we need to limit the space given to anyone one dedication. I am not heartless, I realize it's hard enough to write about things like this without knowing there are limits on what can be written. We cannot post large dedications, we just don't have the space for them, we might suggest that those who would like to dedicate an entire page to someone use Angelfire's free pages and make a dedication page and we will put a few words AND the link in the Memorial Day issue of the Zine. We ask that you please, once again, limit your submissions to a few verses of a song, a short poem or a few short paragraphs.

I'm sorry to have to do put limitations on anything, but we've got to do so to make sure there is plenty of space left to continue making the zine for a long time to come and to be fair to everyone who would like to have something posted. *S*

NEW Weekly Feature

Chat Dominatrix
the virtual talk show

A Brief Description: This column I hope to use as an open forum for opinion and views on matters that mean the most, down to the least. From views of things in the Chathouse®, in your home, workplace, school, world.
Any statement put in this column will not have a handle of the chatter it is from nor the room from which they chat in. I will be passing through rooms, and forums and gatherings posts at random that might be of interest, might be not, but still may be added.
So smile you never know when candid camera is watching
If you have anything you'd like to add, any questions you would like to ask, feel free to mail in, and ask, or simply put your 2 cents worth in, hell 1 cent if that's all you have.
So that's a lil summary of the upcoming column, also to be included: a lil gossip here and there, a lil news update of this and that, and maybe a lil ruffling of the feathers now and again.

Quote for the week:
"Prosperity doth best discover vice, but Adversity doth best discover virtue."

Captured posts:
*gotta run taxi service time damn men who cant use two legs to walk

*Opinions are like a*sholes, everybody's got one some just stink worse than others.

Joke of the week:
A woman gives birth to a baby, and afterwards, the doctor comes in, and he says "I have to tell you something about your baby."

The woman sits up in bed and says, "What's wrong with my baby, Doctor? What's wrong???"

The doctor says, "Well, now, nothing's wrong, exactly, but your baby is a little bit different. Your baby is a hermaphrodite."

The woman says "A hermaphrodite, what's that???"

The doctor says, "Well, it means your baby has features...of a male and a female."

The woman turns pale. She says, "Oh my god! You mean it has a penis AND a brain?"

Something to add? Something to say? Phone lines are now open!! OK, OK... Email lines are now open ~S~

The engagement of Storm Chaser /F & Storm Chaser /M
Me and Storm meet in the chatroom about a year ago and ever since then things could not be better for us to...We wont to share this with our friends here in the chatroom...As soon as we have a wedding date and time set we well let our friends know...There well be more to come...So bye for now...STORM CHASER /F & STORM CHASER /M
The Many Uses of the Quickmailer

The Quickmailer is now being used for more than submitting sites to be featured. Now you can use this to submit questions for the advice column or the Chathouse Advice column and remain anonymous. If you'd like to submit something for either of these columns and remain anonymous please do NOT fill in the email section and in the Name section you need to please write either Chat Dominatrix or Fantasy & Angel. Please read above to see how their column works *BAS*. However, if you are submitting a site for a future feature, please DO include an email address. Sometimes the links do not work or the site has a typo in it and we are unable to visit and there is not email given with it thus I have nobody to contact for assistance.

Recommended Site Address:
Featured Chatters of the Week

Fantasy Girl™

Handles that you chat under: FantasyGirl™, §enileFanta§y™

How did you decide on the handle (s)?: YES!!!! I would like to get this straight hahahaha... The FantasyGirl one was chosen because I like pictures and stories of knights ...maidens etc. and online it is called "Fantasy" and no its nothing sexual...well most of the time *LOL* And the §enile one was kinda given to me in forum and I just made a joke out of it till it was just too funny that I kept it !*BAS*

Location: Ontario Canada eh!

Information on chatting.. *L* How long have you been chatting and which rooms do you normally chat in, etc.: Oh boy! I have been online for about 3 years now...I started in the Last room on the Left ...then I headed into The Fish Tank *waving to all the fishes* Hey Guys! hahaha And then Smiley asked me to come in JOE'S and that's where I Have been ever since *S*

Age and Zodiac Sign.. *L* Ladies.. you don't have to be real specific here.. *L*: AGE!...hahahaha I think my pic in forum kinda says my age and sign! hahaha

Martital Status: Been there, done that ,and don't wanna EVER again! hahahaha

Kids: Yup I have a few of those *G* I have Twin girls and a son *BAS* and I must have one more out there since MR B says I'm his long lost grandma! hahahaha

Pets: YUP ...although she is more of my BABY I have a Shitzu named Tara *S*

Profession…. If in school.. Profession that you plan to go into: hahahahaha no comment !!!

Hobbies and Interests: I like to chat of course *S* and I also like music *except rap* and I LOVE astrology . Yup the whole nine yards *tarot cards...horoscopes.. etc*and I love playing on Paint Shop Pro *G*

Music Preferences: AEROSMITH!!!!!!!! hahahahaha actually it ranges to my moods may be anything from Savage Garden to Mariah Carey all the way up to Metallica....YUP YA ALL HEARD RIGHT *GRANDMA ROCKS*!!! hahahahaha

Pet Peeves *L*: I don't think you have enough room for that answer! hahaha No really ..I hate when ppl can't take a joke and anything racial really pisses me off....can I say that?? *sweet smile*

A favorite Motto or Quote to live by: "Live for TODAY for there may be no Tomorrow "

Anything else that you'd like people to know about you? *S*: NO...I think they all know I'm a FREAK ...and if they don't I guess they should come in Joe's for a visit hahaha

Changes or improvements that you'd like to see at the Chathouse™: I would like to see Joe's like some of the other floors where ya can post pics and stuff....then they all could see my new picture! Hahaha

We've had a GREAT INTERVIEWS so far.. *S* What can you do to top em? *G* WELL....I could do this! *pulling top up* ( . )( . ) not bad for an old chic huh! Pammie taught me this! hahahaha

Handles that you chat under: Jeremy™, HandsumStranger™

How did you decide on the handle (s)?: Jeremy-Its my name not too original *s* HandsumStranger- I think I am handsome and wanted everyone to know...

Location: Maryland

Information on chatting.. *L* How long have you been chatting and which rooms do you normally chat in, etc.: I am a regular in the Ant Farm on the Flipside I've been going in there for over a year now...I don't chat with many people just friends I've known for awhile.....(K.Q, Fallon, Only, Dicentra, CJ, LadyGreenEyes™, Scarlette39, Lulu39, Ginger39 I hope I didn't forget anyone)
Age and Zodiac Sign.. *L* Ladies.. you don't have to be real specific here.. *L*: I am 21 & an Aquarius

Martital Status: I am dating but nothing serious

Kids: I love um... but don't want my own yet

Pets: 2 tropical fish & an iguana

Profession…. If in school.. Profession that you plan to go into: Contractor, Security Guard but looking into Jr. college

Hobbies and Interests: Water sports, Music, computers, model cars

Music Preferences: Rap, Rock, Alternative.... everything except country & classical

Pet Peeves *L*: ????????

A favorite Motto or Quote to live by: just do it *l*

Anything else that you'd like people to know about you? *S*: I wear boxers not briefs & I love mick_15 (inside joke) *l* Oohhh.. I'm no angel...... Never claimed to be.....*eg*

Changes or improvements that you'd like to see at the Chathouse™: room monitors.. have designated room monitors to keep out cyber freaks *s*

Gazzer's Story

The Tony Danza Story began as I traveled over 4,000 miles from Canada to the US after traveling it a year ago from Florida to Canada. So many people were asking how we were or where we were. I kept in contact with Chathouse and one day Mike asked if he could post the letters I wrote to him. I love making him laugh as he sits there in his glass tower in the big city not knowing how us poor folks live. *LOL* So the story began and now my friends wait for the next part of my never ending story or events that happen to me. Others find my life much more interesting and funny than I do but is just one more path leading to the next one.
Gazzer's story , in it's whole form tells of my life, family, friends, my craft and my on line love and marriage.
The page is found at

~*Thoughts Of An Angel*~

"my definition of things"

This week I had an article ready to go to press, but considering what I have seen lately in one of my favorite places to chat I changed my mind. Something that has been on my mind and I want to say that I hate seeing people I like chatting with go but alas that is life is it not? Things change and people change, I have made friends since I have been chatting, I have even made one or two good close friends *S* *hugs** who know who they are that I would do anything for... But often times or not people can confuse friendliness for true friendship. TRUE friendship is a gift and not easily given, it involves trust and truly knowing someone and accepting them for who they are faults and all. You know sometimes it is easy to point fingers at others when we see things we don't like or things said we don't agree with *lol** if only life came with an ignore button wouldn't that be grand? My point is you have to understand everyone has there reasons for coming into chat, for some it is escapism, others for lively conversation, for some ways to talk to people they care about instead of by phone. Anywho... *L* I'm getting off the subject... My point *life is too short y'all*. Sometimes you have to be the bigger person and just get past things. It is easy to run, but it takes a stronger person to make things change whether in chat or IRL. I hope people can see my point of view and to my FRIENDS *L* I luv y'all and *huge hugs** hope you know I mean that from my HEART* be blessed and have a great week y'all.

b®e® b®at™

To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl. Let the "real thing" sit for one hour, then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous china.

To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with a crumpled-up piece of alluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.

To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion.

To loosen a rusted bolt: Applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several minutes.

To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking pan; wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake. Thirty minutes before the ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix with the Coke for a sumptuous brown gravy.

To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of Coke into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains. It will also clean road haze from your windshield.


FYI: The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. It's pH is 2.8. It will dissolve a fingernail in about 4 days.

The distributors of coke have been using it to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years!

Drink up!?

What Is It With Coke Anyway???? *L*
b®e® b®at™ (tea lady*LOL*)

there's something i'm not getting here...what is this wonderful thing about coke (the beverage that is) that i have not discovered?! sure, i have a can or two; maybe once a week at most, but what's the big deal?! okay, so; caffeine. you can get that from elsewhere. like coffee. except, what it is about coffee?! what is this wonderful thing about coffee that i have also not discovered?! all i can say for coffee is this; smells good, tastes like.....mud at the bottom of the college pond springs to mind here!
so, i'm going to share my secret with you all. the secret is: TEA. oh yes. *tea.* possibly the best the universe...ever! why, do you ask?

1). it does not taste like mud at the bottom of the pond. it tastes pleasant and looks and smells nice too.
2). it has caffeine, but not so much as to make you totally hyper no matter how much you drink.
3). i wouldn't know this, but i bet it doesn't make you pee as much as coffee does. :P
4). it has good chemicals like antioxidants and stuff that, well, do good stuff and make you less likely to get cancer and hosts of other nasties. no, really, it does!:Ž
5). it has theophylline (er, i think...struggling to remember my pharmacology here!) well it has some xanthine things anyway which are vaguely good if you have asthma. tell someone that and they might be impressed!!*L*
6). it is a soothing herbal remedy (with allowed artistic licence), not a caffeinated drink, if you're told to give that stuff up.
7). it doesn't really matter how much you drink.
8). it's not carbonated, so it won't leach calcium, and unless you pile sugar into it *like 9 teaspoons in a can of coke* your teeth won't fall out for that reason either.
9). if you live an area that has as much hardwater as mine does, you're getting free calcium in every cup anyway!*L*
10). putting the kettle on is a great work distraction and a comforting routine.

just think: if you were weaned off baby milk onto tea and have never gone more than a day without it since, you could end up just like me!:Žphhhhtt!!!

i'm gonna go have a cuppa now. all this talk has made me thirsty..

To Cover Page
Where you can sign the dam book *L* or submit a link...*S*
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