
1. Please tell the readers about the band. When it was formed, the line-up, releases and stuff like that.

The idea to start SKULLTHRONE was in my mind since 1999, in those days I had already started to make repetitions at my home, I used to have a primitive drum-machine, guitar and distorted voice. I am (Artemi) the only member of SKULLTHRONE since 1999, no changes in line up since that time. As for releases: the first demo "Chaos Dominion" was recorded in the year of 2001, "Chaos Dominion" consisted from two short raw, noisy and very fast Black Metal tracks, and was absolutely self-released and limited to 66 hand-numbered copies, the second demo "Boundless Hatred" was recorded in autumn of 2002 consisted from 4 tracks plus intro and released through German strictly tape-record label called EICHENLAUB PROPAGANDA! "Boundless Hatred" was limited to 88! Hand-numbered copies.

2. How would you describe your music? What are your musical influences?

I describe my music only as a Black Metal, because SKULLTHRONE plays for master Satan and performs Black Metal as a musical part of my Satanism!
But I understand why you asked me that questions, yes even most of my close friends who play in other Black Metal bands tell me that my music it’s a bit Noise/Black or industrialized Black Metal because of un-usual drum-machine sounds and speed. But I should announce that future release of SKULLTHRONE will be more traditional as musically, but still electro-drum programming used to be in SKULLTHRONE. I have to say that it’s my way of worshipping The Devil, every Orthodox Satanist choses his/her own way to worship Him!
Musical influences... I take a guitar and play that is all, the same thing concerning electro-drum programming, of course for composing the song I should have some certain attitude of mind. But if you mean which bands influence me as a musician so I have to say that I listen to Black Metal bands first of all, I think the list is not necessary here. I don’t like ambient (mortiis and shit like this) but I’m really fascinated of some Noise/Power Electronics and Death Industrial groups like STROM.EC and others.

3. What inspires you lyrically? What topics do the lyrics deal with?

Praising for the Devil, Satanism, Wars, History, Acts of Terror, Death, no limits for (boundless) hatred. I can say that my lyrics has never something to do with such themes as nature, forests, tolkien-stories etc. no, all this has nothing to do with Black Metal for me.

4. What is the main purpose of your music? Any political/religious message?

The main purpose of SKULLTHRONE is Black Metal! Black Metal is a musical side of Satanism, yes I am deeply-religious person and I think (I’m right!) Black Metal can be only with Satanic ideology first of all. Nationalism is a consequence not a motivation. As for National Socialism, Fascism yes I am proud of my Aryan Blood, I am proud to be a White man, but I don’t believe in peace on this fucking planet, which is rotten to the core and all humanity with it. DEATH TO PLANET EARTH!!!
Hitler... Of course he was a great Dictator, he’s an Idol for me. I believe that Adolf Hitler made a general repetition for up-coming Armageddon. He approached the beginning of an End, Hitler was a personified Devil in flesh.

5. What about live shows? Have you played any gigs lately? How often do you play live?

SKULLTHRONE never played live.

6. How is the metal scene in your area? Are you in contact with other bands?

I live in a small Russian town called Pskov, here is not a metal scene in general if you mean live shows, gigs, fan-clubs etc. but here is BM Underground with some bands like BLACK WOOD (the Oldest Black Metal band in Pskov they played since 1990), FULLMOON RISE, GEHANKTER JUDE, MISANTHROPIC POETRY(r.i.p.) and SKULLTHRONE that is all.
Yes, I’m in contact with all bands.

7. Is anybody in your band involved in other projects? If yes, who and which?

I am involved as a guitarist in GEHANKTER JUDE.

8. What is the best CD / demo you have heard in the last month?

CRAFT "Terror Propaganda" is a masterpiece! Salvebis Joakim! As for demos it is CARNAGE "Behold the Apocalypse" it’s my favorite demo of all times!

9. What was the last concert you went to? What was the best concert you have been at?

I was on some Skinhead/White Power concert last year in Moscow, where I and my friend were arrested. Now among local FSB (Russian FBI) I´m considered as a criminal element with nazi/satanic orientation. After this concert I was more than three times questioned in local police department, so fuck it. Nicht Kaput, Nicht Kapituliren. As for this concert it was not my cup of tea in general, there were not any Black Metal bands, only RAC/Oi. But one Moscow band (Svarog if I’m not mistaken) played not bad cover of cult german RAC band LANDSER "Sturmfuhrer", yeah it was great all other were shit like Apraxia and Kolovrat.
The best concert in my place was in 1999, it was concert of FULLMOON RISE and the last live show performance including Black Metal collective.

10. What kind of beverage is your favorite? Any special brands? Do you do any drugs?

My drugs is a gym, I do fitness, also I prefer boxing sometimes with my friends. But it does not mean that I have healthy mode of life, fuck it is simply impossible in such country as Russia. You should be strong as physical and spiritual both. So beverage ha-ha: My favorite beverage is a Russian Vodka of course, especially such brands as Stolychnaya, Flagman, Matriza, Scandinavia. As for beer I like Tuborg, Miller, Gosser, Baltika(6,7,9). I do not use any drugs.

11. What can really piss you off?

Currently, all so called "elite of national socialist black meta", they can’t play music but claim themselves as Black Metal in time when they have no Satanic ideology. They can only give a shit about other bands and praise their so-called "idol" Hendrik Moebus and his punk band Absurd. For me, Hendrik does not look like an Aryan (have you ever seen his photo on the flyer with "Free Hendrik Moebus"?), so I think (and not only I!) that if anybody from German SS division Totenkopf saw such a untermensch clothed in a SS Division Totenkopf t-shirt, I think Moebus immediately would stand in the first row marching into the gas chamber! For me now so-called "nsbm movement" is a circus, especially in Russia.

12. What are you plans for the future? Gigs, releases and so on.

My plans are to release first CD of SKULLTHRONE and MCD of GEHANKTER JUDE. Also I’m still working on my magazine, after Dictatorial Reign webzine I have many interviews so I’m going to publish all this material now on paper. Working name of my magazine is T.666 (the Black Totality).

13. That’s it for now. Thank you for the interview. If you would like to insult and/or offend someone, please do it here. If you have a closing remark/statement, this is also the place.



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