

Pesttanz True black metal from Sweden
Demoriel Unholy black metal from Sweden
Unhuman Death/Grind from Quebec
Dragon Heart True power metal from Brazil
Dark Age Dark Metal from Germany
Korihor Horned Vampyric Black Metal from The Phillippines
ThyLord Sick & Surgerical Black Metal from France
Anwyl Fucking Plague Metal from Kansas, USA
Unpure Black Metal from Sweden
Enemynside Thrash Metal from Italy
Open Grave Anti Human Black Metal from USA
Stormwarrior Barbaric Heavy Metal from Germany
Apocalyptic Raids Old School Death Metal from Brazil
Kiss Of Death Thrash Metal from Italy
Tsjuder Black Metal from Norway
Flame Demonic Blackdeath from Finland
Inhumate Grind Death from France
VII Arcano Death/Thrash from Italy
Purulent Brutal Grind Core from Colombia
Darklord Black Metal from Australia
Demure Death/Black Metal from Texas, USA
Gerbe of Life Death Metal from France
Shadowlord Black/Death/Thrash Metal from The Netherlands
Stormrider Metal from Sweden
Fornication Brutal Death Metal from Brazil
Dream Or Nightmare PowerPowerThrash from U.S.A.

Other Links
No membership A free site with naked chicks! Link supplied by Youri of Unhuman
Hard Temple Records On-line record store! Link supplied by Eduardo of Dragon Heart
Ultra Password Naked chicks for free! Link supplied by Martin of Dark Age
Inverted Pater Noster Zine Webzine about Asian/Australian metal! Link supplied by Obispo of Korihor
APBG-related Links Autopsy pictures and stuff! Link supplied by ThyLord Links to bands, zines, radiostations and more! Link supplied by Matteo of Enemynside
Humanicide Side project of God Vomit of Open Grave! Link supplied by God Vomit of Open Grave
Monochrome Images Pictures of burial grounds! Link supplied by Necromaniac of Apocalyptic Raids The name says it all, heh heh! Link supplied by Nag of Tsjuder
Still Online Metal news and concert dates! Link supplied by Fred of Inhumate
Warlord Records Record label and distro! Link supplied by Mirko of VII Arcano
Modern Invasion / Bestial Warlust About Bestial Warlust! Link supplied by Stormbringer of Darklord
Daimonion Official site of Daimonion! Link supplied by Mass of Demure
Death Metal Godz Great site about old school death metal bands! Link supplied by Gerbe of Life Sick stuff! Link supplied by YX and Strampan of Stormrider

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