Burning Gonads

Welcome to Burning Gonads.
Here you will find interviews with various metal bands. Only real metal will be featured here. That means, if a band sounds like Korn, Limp Bizkit or shit like that, it wonīt be here. "Nu-metal" is NOT METAL!!!
Every band will get the same 13 questions when they are interviewed. Every band will get a link to their homepage + a link of their choice.
Oh, and since I donīt believe in censorship, no interviews or submitted links will be edited. So if you are easily offended by obscene language or nudity...Beat it!
This site will be updated everytime I have interviewed someone or wrote an article.
If you would like your band to be interviewed, donīt hesitate...
Contact me NOW!

Thanks to ThyLord for the logo! All hail ThyLord!!

*Last update October 3. 2003*

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