...from the editor


Some of my summer reading…

“The fundamental experience of the writer is helplessness.”
–Louise Glück, from “Education of the Poet,” Proofs & Theories

“Of all the streams of civilized tradition with roots in the paleolithic, poetry is one
of the few that can realistically claim an unchanged function and a relevance
which will outlast most of the activities that surround us today.”
–Gary Snyder, from “Poetry and the Primitive,” Earth House Hold

“The world is not illusory, we are

From crimson thread to toe tag

If you are not disturbed
there is something seriously wrong with you, I’m sorry

And I know who I am
I’ll be a voice
coming from nowhere,


be glad for me.”
–Franz Wright, from “Epitaph,” Walking to Martha’s Vineyard

“If you are reading, you are not at the beginning.”
–Anne Carson, from “Read Me the Bit Again,” Eros the Bittersweet

“With his work, as with a glove, a man feels the universe.
At noon he rests a while, and lays the gloves aside on a shelf.
There they suddenly start growing, grow huge
and make the whole house dark from inside.”
–Tomas Tranströmer, from “Open and Closed Space” (Trans. Robert Bly)

Enjoy this issue. It has found its own way— some new voices, some accustomed to these pages.

Sam Rasnake

Featured Poet - Rebecca Loudon

I - Simple Equations
II - Sleep Screen With Lavish Proportions
III - Defining Borders
IV - Bodies in the Rain


Current Issue - Summer 2004