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Easy Cure
Brussels, Belgium
Sound quality rating: 6+
Performance rating: 10
Generation: Original cd set
Length: 88 minutes

The Kiss, Torture, All I Want, A Japanese Dream, Catch, Just Like heaven, Hot hot hot, If only tonight we could sleep, Like cockatoos, How beautiful you are, The perfect girl, Snakepit, A Forest, Fight, Close to me, Let's go to bed, One More time, Charlotte Sometimes, Why Can't I be you?

Comments: I almost didn't buy this one after I read a couple of negative comments, but I'm glad that I did. The sound is distant on this recording, but the performance is staggeringly good and makes up for it. This is tied with HOT HOT HOT for being my favorite Kissing Tour boot, in spite of the poor sound. In fact, there are only 3 songs on here that aren't from the 1987 sessions, so if you're essentially looking for "Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me Live," this one's for you.