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Justin's Room

In loving memory of Justin Andrew Smith,
precious little son of Chris and Jodie Smith.
Justin blessed our lives here for a tender
four months and four days.

Justin was born on November 8, 1989,
and went to Heaven on March 12, 1990,
one month after having heart surgery.

He will always be a treasure in our hearts.


Justin was sent here on a mission, the
words from God
whispered gently in his ear,
and all along we had an angel placed
before us here.

The Lord had blessed us for a short time
starting on that November day,
Justin touched our lives so deeply with
only the words of
our Father in his heart, that he was
unable to say.

He touched people he never knew and
brought them closer to the Holy Spirit,
Justin was our angel with a message,
speaking to those who chose to hear it.

We know our precious angel is now in a
far greater place,
and right upon our hearts and souls he
engraved his tiny angel face.
He fought just long enough to see us
straighten out our
ways, and hard enough to pass on
his strength to everyone,
God called our little boy home,
and so his Will was done.
Let us all be happy and rejoice
for Justin, his pain and
suffering are no more,
for you see when his tiny body
finally gave in,
God opened up the door.

As we held his lifeless little body
a warm and peaceful
feeling filled our hearts in some way,
as if Our Little Angel was saying,
"Don't cry mommy and daddy, I'll
see you again someday."

Each night when it is clear and a
star shines in the sky,
we'll see our blessed angel for he
will never die.

So we won't say good-bye my baby,
only good-night to you for now,
rest peacefully with Jesus and
watch over us somehow.

We love you Our Little Angel,
thank you for coming into
our lives and for giving us the
message from above,
We'll keep you with us always,
In our Hearts,
Our Minds,
and in Love.......

Love Mommy

This beautiful poem was written
by Justin’s mommy, Jodie Smith
the day after he died,
and read at his funeral by
his mommy’s brother.

* * *

"The Journey"

The pain of saying good-bye
is more than words can say,
it slowly pulls you down each and every day.
The sun seems to fade away,
with no promise of ever shining
down upon your face,
you pray for strength and guidance,
you beg for God's Mercy and his grace.
You look around and wonder if anyone
can hear your call,
you desperately reach out to others,
hoping they will be there to catch
you when you fall.

You hear their laughter, you see their joy,
you wonder if they've forgotten your
precious little boy.
Say his name out-loud speak of him
as often as you can,
talk about the visions you had of
your son one day becoming a man.
Write down the dreams you had for him,
looking forward to each passing year,
wipe away the future you planned,
with each and every tear.
You wonder if life is worth living,
If you'll ever feel happy inside,
will you always have to say
"I'm doing fine",
while you slowly die inside?

But one day you wake up,
and see the sun shining down,
you look in the mirror and notice,
your face no longer wears a frown.
You sit quietly and listen for
your pain, hoping it doesn't
swallow you up once more,
you realize that life is once
again worth fighting for.
You look up to the sky
and smile at your precious baby there,
knowing he is safe in God's own loving care.

Suddenly your heart fills with Joy,
imagining that Jesus is now
walking with your boy.
Hand in hand they stroll through heavens
beautiful domain,
the angels sing him songs, they whisper
out his name.

For there comes a moment in our grief
that takes us by surprise,
when we realize that he has been
here all along, right before our eyes.

For love goes much deeper
than what we touch with our hand,
love is never ending when it's part
of our Masters plan.
And then you come to realize
that when his work on earth was done,
he went on home to Heaven, to laugh
and play and run.
And although his firsts will all be done
is heaven up above,
the angels will write down each
important moment,
for which one day they will share
with you in love.

And when the grief eases up and
takes on a different form,
you'll know that God was with you,
to weather out the storm.
The tide may pick up again every
now and then,
but you mustn't be afraid,
for grief is all a part of love, it's
the price that we must pay.

So whether it has been one
month, one year or ten,
just remember you are one day closer
to being with him again.
And if your tears should once
again fall,
they too will find their place,
for your heart will be the frame,
that holds his angel face.
So walk with God on this Journey,
for it is much harder when
traveled alone,
and who best to lead you to your son,
when at last you are called home.

by Jodie Smith

Dear Justin,

Hi baby, I just wanted to write you a letter to
let you know how proud I am to be your mom.
You have made my life so full, bringing me new
friends everyday and filling my heart with love.
You have been up in heaven for 10 yrs and 3
months now. It's so very hard to believe.
Some days it feels like only yesterday that you
were here and all of our hearts were complete.

Then some days it feels as though you've been
gone a lifetime, and our hearts will never heal.
You are so much a part of our lives that we feel
you wherever we go. We're leaving for vacation
next Friday (6-23-00) and Papo said that we have
to come by the cemetery and tell you to get your
bags packed cause we're going up north and you
have to come with us. I loved that he thought of
that. I however already told you when were going
and to make sure that you were in the van with us
when we left.
I would give anything to see you again, to touch
your soft skin, your tiny little hands that you would
rest in mine. Do you remember when you would
always lay on my side of the bed and you had to
have dad's pillow? Or how about when you used
to fly high like Super-Man, or the pouty lip game
that you and I would play? I remember it all like
yesterday. I hold on to every moment I can of you
with me. And amazing as it may seem you are still
giving me things to remember. New memories.
Like all the hearts you randomly leave for each of
us. We look so forward to those hearts, signs of
your constant presence and of your love.
((((Keep them coming))))!!!
Justin, I love you more than words could ever
describe. I am so proud that God chose me to
be your Mom. I don't know why he thought I
was special enough to hold an angel in my arms
but he did and I will be forever grateful for his
trust in me with your heavenly soul. Your time
here on earth will never be in vain. You have
touched the lives of so many with your courageous
spirit, and your powerful Will to go on. And then
by the graceful way you said Good-bye. I will hold
that beautiful smile in my heart for as long as I live.

Your memory lives on through Jacob, Ryan and Josh.
They all love you so much and include you in
everything they do. You are in every family picture
they draw and the times they tell how many brothers
they have they never fail to mention their special
brother in heaven. Your wonderful spirit will live
on through them.
Thank you Angel for coming into our lives and
for giving oh so much. I hope and pray that you
feel our love everyday being sent up to you in
heaven above. You will be remembered and
treasured forever. We love you Angel. Until I
hold you in my arms again, be with us always.

Love you with all my heart,
Love, Mom 6-17-00
(Jodie Smith)

* * *
I believe that little Justin is a tiny missionary, and
his mission is far from over. Perhaps it has only
just begun. Bless him and his deeply loving
family, with their powerful faith in our
Heavenly Father.
What a tender smile God must
be giving Justin and his
entire family.
- Rosemary J. Gwaltney

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