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Psychos You Know

We all have a couple psychos we know, and this page is dedicated to the freak who let us all live in fear.
First, there's the kid you went to school with, I think you know who I'm talking about. He always smelled like pee....yep...and no one wanted to hang around him. But I had to...the teacher always stratigically assigned me and the weirdo seats next to eachother. He would make up names for me...and he thought we were best friends, now I'm not saying I was delusional as a kid, but for some reason I thought he lived in a hole underground, true story.
Next theres the hometown psycho.....yeah, with all the weird things he does. Unfortunatly, I still live in my I'm not even gonna dare to say this crazy's name.
Then theres the work freak, yeah, the one no one talks to...or looks at...yeah, and they only refer to him as "him". And always a guy, even if it looks like a girl, everyone knows shes really a guy. Well, maybe its still left in me from elementary but I acknowledge those freaks...I pretend hes normal...until he leaves...then I join in with the other employees, as long as I know he won't know, 'cause you never know whos a killer, thats my motto, almost, "Be nice to everyone, they could all be serial killers".
Thanks for listening to me go on about my fears.
There's No Place LikeHome.
