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Will You...

~Title: Will You... 1/2
~Author: Ami
~Date: May 18,2000
~Rating: PG
~Archive: Yes
~Summary: Curt Pops the Question *bum bum*
this is part one of two.. with a nice cliffhanger just cuz.
~Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. =)
~Pairing: Brian/Curt/
~Note: Enjoy!!! or i'll.... cry..really..I will! And I've been listening to Alot! of Nirvana and NIN so... And it might be a little mushy or something,I haven't written much mushy so
bare wiff me.
~Feedback: Yes sir.. or maam
Part One
I looked into his his eyes and saw the fruits of his love.
I held his gaze gently cascading in his eyes. I fell deep inside the the pools of his eyes drowing there. Poetic soul set free to the lyrics of the heart. Of song.

He touches my face in his palm. 'Sing me a song' I say. He drones into a fit of drunken song, and I laugh. 'Come on Curt, sing me a love song' I plead. He takes my hand. '/your once, twice, three times a lady/' his voice came deep and soulful. I felt a pang in my heart.

The room spun in contrast to him. I felt safe. It had never happened. My marriage to Mandy. She was so naive. She was there for a ride, I would have no more of her. Everything she touched turned to shit and I wasn't going to be there for the outcome. It was over.

'You make me so Happy' I whisper in his ear. And I meant it will all my heart. He carressed my thigh 'I have a surprise' he whispered 'how long have I know you?'

It had seemed like forever. Sure, they had their differences but who didn't have some kinda difference with someone else, it was part of being human. And I was glad I was human to share love with such a compassionate fellow like Curt. He was moody sometimes, off the drugs but had a taste for 'the drink'. So did I but I would rather be fully aware of what I was doing so I could consciously know my mistakes.

'You and me, Forever' I said kissing his cheek. I saw him smile an awkward smile. He grabbed my arm roughly pulling me up into a kiss. I felt in his kiss that something was up. The kiss was long and sweet, although we kissed that way alot I felt a certain tug. 'What's up Curt?' I asked. He put his finger to his lips smiling.

'Dance with me' he said pressing play on the stereo. The music of Van Morrison came on. 'Someone like you' I whispered recognizing the song. Curt Wild took me into his arms and I felt my eyes well up with tears. I felt his breath on my neck. His arms around my waist. 'Your really special to me' he whispered carressing my cheek.

He lead me into a room filled with the lights of over thirty lit candles. Trails of rose petals lead up to the double waterbed in the bedroom. I gasped as the flicker or the
candles and this romatic side of Curt hit me like a ton of bricks. 'Oh Curt' I stammered 'this is.. this is.. great.'
'I'm glad you like it Brian. ' he said taking my hand 'Tonight is very special for me, and for you.'

I looked at him grasping at his hand as he tugged me to the bed. I buried my head in his neck sliding my hands down his back. He shivered under my touch as my hands traveled further down. 'I need to.. ask you something love. It's important' he
whispered. A shiver ran down my back, I blinked nodding my head at him as a sat myself down on the bed. I clasped my hands together and looked up at him with my now moistened blue eyes as if to say 'I'm ready'. Was I? I wondered what was to become of us after this night. And I almost wondered how we had gotten here, through everything.

Curt cleared his throat, nervously throwing his hands on his hips. He looked so sexy standing there in his leather pants I'd always loved him in. And his leopard print coat hanging loosely on his bare chest. I pushed my thoughts away, or tried, just until he was done what he needed.

'Well what is it Curt? Tell me' I said anxious to hear what he was gonna say. He wasn't usually this romantic. Or nervous when he had something to say. And in this, I knew it was something important, and big. Curt had a thing for surprising me. It was the expression on my face that lit up his eyes so.

I saw him smile underneath that scruffy head of hair. I felt my heart grow calm as it beat out of control. He got down on one knee reaching under the bed and producing a small blue box. He cleared his throat 'Brian I love you. I can't see my life without you in it. Please marry me. It won't be a rock n roll marriage. Or a marriage to reach fame and then deteriorate. I bought you this ring because I need you. I don't have anything more to say that can express how I feel. Truly, the curves of your lips rewrite history, us. I need you beside me every waking hour and beside me every night. And I would give this all up to have you. I would quit music and this life altogether if it meant spending the rest of my life with you. What i'm trying to say is, Will you marry me?.'

I thought long and hard and my life with Curt flashed in front of my eyes. I felt a great weight being lifted off my chest, and an even greater weight being put back on. This was my first real relationship with another man and here he was asking me to marry him. When I had just gotten a divorce with Mandy of all people. I was under tremendous pressure here backed up against the wall. But why should I feel this way about a great lover like Curt. Was I selfish, or concieted to be angry at this more than totally and completely swooned by the whole idea of marriage.

I felt closed in, I needed air. He opened the box, it didn't help. It was a gold band ring with a single diamond embedded in the center. Inside the ring the words 'Curt & Brian Forever' had been engraved in simple italics. How could I love a man so much and not be able to, in my heart and in my words, say 'I love you' back.

End Of Part One- Will Brian say yes to Curt.. Find out tomorrow (not really)
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