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A Dream of Scandal (1/1)
Author: Bosie
Date: April 5,2000.
Rating: Nc-17
Archive: Please, anyone who wants them, by all means archive
Summary: A bit of AU cheated through by a dream sequence (isn’t that overused) where Frank Churchill from Emma and Curt Wild from Velvet Goldmine get it on.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Frank Churchill. I suppose Jane Austen has to take claim for that. I don’t own his wig either (thank god!). I don’t own Curt Wild (now this DOES piss me off). I don’t own Brian Slade (Bosie pounds his fist in frustration). I don’t own anything really but this cheesy dream sequence.
Warnings: Frank Churchill’s wig IS really bad.
Pairing: Frank Churchill/Curt Wild and Brian Slade (but Brian doesn’t get any sex)
Author's Notes: I only wrote this for comic effect. This is, in no way, meant to be taken seriously. I just thought Mr. Churchill would be funny with Curt Wild
Feedback: Oh yes. You know where to find me.

A Dream of Scandal
*The Inspiration*

Brian lay idly on the sofa lazily sipping a glass of wine. “I thought it was a fantastic movie. Funny. Witty. Romantic.”

Curt meanwhile propped up against the foot of the couch wrinkled his nose, “I thought it sucked.”

Brian nudged Curt’s head wth his foot, “Ok. It was terrible. But wasn’t Frank Churchill cute?”

Curt looked up at him incredulously, “The guy with the fuzzy red hair and top hat? “

Brian sighed, “his hair was really bad, I admit. I like him though. He reminds me of someone. I can’t place it though. Hmmm…”

While Brian pondered this thought as Curt bounded away to fetch a beer. When he came back Brian was still loudly humming muttering, “I wonder” occasionally. Curt watched him hoping he would stop soon, Hey Bri, if you’re that curious, watch the credits. The name could remind you of something.”

Brian grinned at Curt as if the idea had been so intensely brilliant, and he leapt off the couch playing the movie again at the credits rewinding it a bit. “AHA! It’s called an Ewan McGregor!”

Curt’s eyes widened, “Is that that guy from Shallow Grave? Alex?” Brian nodded blankly. Curt remembered this distinctly as the man had made such an impression on him resulting in a few nights pleasant dreaming. The big blue eyes, the hair, and that really revealing pair of white boxer shorts. “I do like that guy.”

Brian grinned triumphantly, “Told you so. I’d drop you at the drop of a hat if he walked in through the door.” He nudged Curt playfully.

Curt grumbled something about Brian being a brat as they went to bed, to actually sleep. A rarity for them since Brian had been in high spirits. Curt’s eyes were heavy, and he fell deep into sleep.

*A Very Strange Dream*

Curt woke up in a strange bed by a window, which allowed the scent of cherry blossoms to ride on the rosy morning light into the bedroom reflecting on the war, wedding ring quilt covering him. The room was filled with antiquities of all varieties and sorts from an age long passed. A silver tea service lay on a nearby table with a small vase of daffodils nearby on a snowflake doily.
He stood up finding himself wearing a long dressing gown. Curt wandered through the room his hands passing over the strange items. He heard the white door open as a large maid bustled armed with an armload of clean towels that maids seem always to have at hand. “Why good morning sir. I see you are up and well. Master Churchill wishes to see you immediately.”

She set down the towels near the tea service and bent her rump in the air searching for a pair of slippers under the desk. She emerged handing him a pair of burgundy satin coverings, and grandiosely flinging a matching robe into his face. “Ah ha! Put these on please sir.”

She threw the slippers onto the floor taking Curt of balance as she grabbed his ankles forcing them into the slippers sweeping up tearing the robe from his hands circling it around his shoulders, violently pulling them over his arms, and tying it far too tight. She took up a silver brush threateningly and began to harshly brush his hair as she complimented it. “Such nice, pretty long hair sir. We’ll tie it back in a red ribbon, and it’ll be so nice.” He remained strangely silent through the process trying to confirm whether or not it was a dream, since he knew quite well, that he was a very vivid dreamer. This was confirmed later as she drug him quickly down the hall by his hand when a servant made an impressive exit through a wall without use of a secret passage.

*Meeting Frank*

If Curt had been wide-eyed in the splendor if the house, he was more so at the garden of pomp and magnificence. The flowers grew in, muted, but rich cream colors in the misty morning light. The air was sharp, clean, and biting. Ivy green scaled the red bricks, and tumbled down the rose-filled trellises. A small pond in the center made ripples and he could just barely see a lake further in a field of verdant grass.

A man bounded up to Curt stopping bowing slightly, “Good morning to you dear fellow. You’re ever so lucky we found you.”

The man’s voice was soft, and quite obviously was very cultured. He most likely had gone to all the best schools and academies, studied classics, dead languages, and history. He was dressed in the absolute height of fashion. So in fashion was he, that he bordered on absurdity. He wore a blue checkered vest, pocket watch, chain, and silver fob, His cream suit matched his gloves and shoes, and atop a mane of crayola red hair sat a silver, beaver skin top hat. A tall white rubberneck came up to his ears and was circled by a blue tie.

Curt restrained laughter, “Hi.”

Frank blinked and raised an eyebrow at him, “So tell me my strange visitor, what is your name?”

“Curt Wild.”

“Really? That is rather unusual. Do you come from the Americas? You do bear a slight resemblance to the Farwell family over there. Are they relatives perhaps?”


Frank sounded on the verge of laughter, “Well really, I’m quite relieved to hear. They have become a subject of great disrepute since the youngest daughter married a young cockney in the entertainment business. Really, it was all the scandal. I’m so glad you’re not associated with them. I hear, and I heard this from Mrs. Galway, that he was a comedic singer who dressed as a woman to perform. My goodness. Now isn’t that dreadful for them?” Suddenly he spun about harshly as if through some great centrifugal force, “Are you a man of good fortune?”

Curt said, “Oh yeah man. I have lots of money.”

Frank wondered at Curt’s wording and manner, “Then you are new money. I see. What is it that you do for a fortune?”

“I’m a rockstar.”

Frank’s eyes widened, “A what?”

“A rockstar.”

“Oh. I see.” Frank kept his ignorance silent to save face. He could only guess that a rockstar was perhaps a name for the foreman of a mining operation in America. “Do you remember at all Mr. Wild, or may I call you Curt? How you cam to be stripped half-naked in the woods where my wife and I found you?”

Curt looked, once again, blank and Curt-like. “No man. I just woke up here. I was half-buff in the wood?”

Frank nodded, “You were dressed in nothing but some very unusual leather pants in the rainstorm last night when my wife and I cam upon you in the forest.”

*Forest Fantasies*

Frank remembered it well. His wife and him had been discussing the behavior of Mrs. Gibson’s oldest daughter with a soldier when she spotted the heap by the bas of an oak-tree. She cried out for the carriage to stop.

Frank had left the vehicle to investigate. A beautiful young man with smooth, pale flesh pulled over graceful muscles and long blonde hair was thrown over the roots of the tree dressed in nothing but a pair of pants, black, of leather which stretched like a second-skin over the fine muscles of his body and his masculine bulge. He remembered the hot shiver that raced through his body as his eyes grazed ver the vision and how shaky his hand was as he stroked his face to wake him from his slumber. He could see the figure breathing as he gazed at the smooth chest covered in raindrops from the warm summer storm.

He asked the carriage man to help him put the beautiful man inside the carriage. He suddenly wished his wife were not there. He adored good gossip, but he only wanted to contemplate the man in silence despite how many walks Annie Gibson had taken with that soldier.

He looked at Curt finding his fascination had grown deeper when he heard his voice. He felt his throat go dry as he looked over seeing those blue eyes bore into his. “You are lost then Curt. Stay with me as long as you need. I want to be friends.”

*The Friendship*

The friendship of the two grew more intense. When Frank introduced Curt to people, he would tell them he was an exotic foreigner, the errant son of a great prince. Curt grew to forget that this was a dreamworld despite the fact that all things turned out as he wished.

Frank taught him customs, bought him clothes, taught him archery, and all the other gentlemanly sports. Late at night they would walk by the lake in the field. Curt, now knowing al the people of the town could match Frank’s ability for entertaining gossip. He would hold Curt’s head in his lap playing with his hair as they talked and the night sky suddenly blazed in fury with a shower of meteors. They sang in twin voices with their identical pairs of hands entwined together under the moon.

Frank had never felt such love for another being in his life. His companion was very close to him, but he wanted him closer. He wanted Curt in his mouth, against his flesh, and in his body. It was a crime though, far too secret. No one could ever know. Not even Curt who seemed on the verge of committing the same crime himself.

*New Borders*

It was another night like the one before. He had found Curt down in the kitchen sitting at the counter. He was dressed as he had been in that forest with nothing but the strange pants on. He went to him and asked him to walk. Curt put his hand in Frank’s who was quite pleasantly surprised and tightened his hand around it walking closer to his side in the moonlight. When they had walked a long way, frank broke the peaceful silence with words. “Shall we rest now Curt?”

“Okay man.” Curt mumbled leaning his head on Frank’s shoulder, “Dude, what’s wrong? You seem really tense.”

“I was just thinking about my marriage Curt.”

“What about it?”

‘That I perhaps could have been happier longer a bachelor."

“I never met a girl who I’d marry.”

Frank turned quite suddenly, “Curt, I’d marry you were I a girl. I’d be your lover if I were not a man.”

Curt grinned devilishly, “Why only if you were a girl? Why not now?”

Frank felt his body go hot and his heart skip at those words, “Curt, I don’t pretend to know where you’re from. I may say you were crazy were it not so obvious you are more foreign than anyone I have ever met. Where you’re from, do men love eachother as they do women? I mean, do they become lovers?”

Curt smiled again, “Men do it now. They wouldn’t tell ya though. They do it where I’m from/ lots of people don’t like it, but we do it anyway.”

Frank looked down pulling of his hat; “It’s a crime by law in this place. But Curt?”


“I want to know what it is like to hold a man like a lover, to kiss him, and to…to…”

“Fuck him?”

Frank gasped, “What!?”

Curt laughed, “Ok. I mean…make love to him.”

Frank sighed his last laughs, “well…yeah.” He stared at Curt’s hands in his own feeling his breath on his ear. “Show me Curt.”

Curt grumbled, “Show you what?” moving his body closer to frank.

“Make love to me Curt, please?”

“Wouldn’t it be a terrible scandal?”

“I don’t care Curt. Want you.”

Curt moved his away from his shoulder and stood up in the moonlight pulling away his clothing exposing his body to Frank with his shoes, sock, then his pants. He glowed with the darkness caressing the hollows of his body and silver touching the raised muscles, which rippled gently under his skin.

Frank began to get misty despite his tries to hide it, ‘You’re so beautiful I could cry.”

Curt walked to him kneeling to kiss him. Their lips met reducing Frank to one warm shiver from his spine to his thighs and cock. When he felt Curt’s tongue poke against his, his mind disappeared into a hot, dizzy fog and his lust and love were the only functioning portions of his mind left.

He pulled and pushed Curt onto the grass beneath him and devoured his chest with his mouth sucking hard at his nipple hearing Curt moan. His hands ran over the smooth flesh savagely as his mouth traveled to Curt’s engorged maleness, which he took hungrily into his mouth making Curt’s hips leap into the air. Frank, realizing the need to more gentle covered his teeth with his lips and begin to suck gently at it licking and blowing feeling Curt’s hips begin to thrust hard into his throat challenging him. He managed to handle it when Curt pulled him away panting; “I’m going to make love to you now.”

Curt began to pull at frank’s more complicated attire finally undressing him, ‘Lie down” he whispered flickering his tongue over his ear and caressing his chest. Frank lay down felling the cool blade of grass on his fevered skin. He felt the identical hands move up and down his inner thigh and suddenly lifting them both upward. Instinctively he wrapped his legs around Curt’s back and leaned forward to kiss him. He whispered, “It hurts at first, but it’s all worth it. I promise.”

Frank nodded softly and he felt Curt’s cock push at his ass and groaned. The pain was there at the first entrance, but it was a sweet pain that echoed in his own cock and shivered through his legs and chest. He begged Curt to go deeper as his back arched and each time Curt dove deeper until all was bliss as he pounded harder inside of him. Frank felt Curt’s strong hand wrap around hi cock and began to pump. He pushed his pelvis high up into Curt’s hand and hard down onto his cock. His mind blacked out but red and blue lighting strikes cracked behind his eyes as he came into Curt’s palm and felt the warmth of Curt’s explosion deep inside. He collapsed onto frank’s panting body as the legs slid off his bath.

“I love you” whispered Frank awakening in his room. He decided then to run away, and go to France under a different name. He could imagine the gossip then.

The End