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A Tearful Reunion

The press had finally gone away.The dressing room was empty except for one soul.Tommy Stone sat in front of his mirror applying the final touches on his make-up.There was a familiar knock on the dressing room door,shannon stuck her head in 'Tommy it's time.Come on'.Tommy nodded combing his hair one last time before shutting the dressing room door.They walked down a long hall tommy could hear the screams already.He could feel the heat from the stage lights pressing into his skin as he walked to centre stage.He looked out into the crowd waving as the music began.His voice was there,with him still.But he sang a new kind of song.And deep in his heart missed them all,curt,jack,mandy.A tear fell from his eye as he sang his new hit,inside it was dedicated to them.The concert floated by,the crowd loved it.They were in love with him again,not brian slade,him,tommy stone.They didn't know about his past,didn't know who he was.These teenage girls adored him again.

And when it was all over and he got his two bouquets of flowers,he just wanted to get away.But he couldn't,he was to meet with the press right after the concert.He walked away,off the stage saying his goodbyes and bowing to the audience.Shannon met him at the side of the stage 'that was great tommy.Now let's get this press thing done so you can get some sleep.' 'Thanks Shannon.You understand me don't you.So where is this thing?' he asked lighting a cigarette.Shannon took the cigarette from tommy and put it out on the table 'i don't want you smoking these things until the interview is over ok love.' Tommy frowned,shannon took his arm and they went out the double doors at the end of the hall.

The press met them there,and girls with tommy stone masks screamed as their idol stepped out.Questions began to come from every corner of the sea of people.'Tommy,where did you get the idea for such a spectacular stage show?' a man in the front asked thrusting his mic forward.'Well to tell you the truth it was a bloody pain in the ass' the crowd chuckled and tommy continued 'the whole thing takes six full sized rigs and three charter planes to transport them.what can i say i think big'.
'Tommy,over here tommy.' Tommy looked over at an aging man in the middle 'what's your opinion of the work president reynolds has been doing?'
'excellent,excellent i think he's doing brilliant work.He's a tremendous leader a great spokesperson for the needs of the nation today' Tommy answered.The crowd was pleased with his answers,he could tell from the looks on their faces.He glanced at the crowd looking them over,a younger man at the back asked 'tommy,what is your response to the recent alligations connecting you with bisexual pop star brian slade who staged his own assasination 10 years ago this week in london'.Mandy stepped in front of tommy an annoyed look was painted on her face.She thanked the press for coming and the meeting was over.Relief fell over tommy's face as he walked back to the dressing room.

The dressing room was not empty when tommy and shannon arrived there.There was a crowd of people wearing tommy stone tour t-shirts.Tommy figured they were part of the staff.But shannon wouldn't have it,she escorted them all out and slammed the door behind them.A small tv hanging on the roof of the room flashed images of him all painted up in make-up.With red eyeshadow,pale skin,black eyeliner,and rosy cheeks.What did it mean.He was dressed the same and had the same hair.They knew that this was in fact the brian slade they had known before.The same one that had staged his own assasination for reasons unknown to them.Tommy turned and looked at shannon standing behind him.'I'm gonna go for a walk ok' he said softly walking towards the door.Shannon caught his arm 'i suggest you change so you don't get mauled on the street.' She left closing the door behind her.

Tommy changed into some jeans and a t-shirt and fixed his hair up.He lit a cigarette and left giving shannon a kiss on the cheek as he walked by.The night air was cold on tommy's face but he didn't care,he just wanted to get away.He walked for a while spotting a small pub beside a landromat and a video store.He walked faster walking right smack into a body in front of him dropping his cigarette. 'I'm really sorr..' he trailed off as he saw the familiar face standing in front of him.Those eyes,that hair,he could never forgot a face,not that face.

Curt wild looked into those eyes,they were the same eyes.His beautiful lover standing right in front of him,they hadn't talked for years.'Is that you under there' curt said putting his hand on brian's cheek they way he used to.A tear fell from brian's eye,he had missed curt so much.He turned away from curt,he had been such a selfish brat and didn't know how curt could ever forgive him.Or mandy either.'I was so rotten..' he started softly 'i let it all go to my head.And the people around me i loved so much..i was so rotten'.He sobbed covering his face with his hands as millions of tears fell from his eyes.Curt put his hand on brians shoulder moving closer to him 'i was rotten too,i didn't take it seriously man.I was so in love with you the songs were for you,all about you.And loved the music,i got it in my head that you loved the music more than me and i just fell apart.Jerry never liked me you know,he just saw all the bloody money he could make off of us.And i hate him for that.' Brian turned around facing curt,he put a finger on curts lip and took his hand.'We have to go somewhere to talk' he said gently.His voice changed,it was no longer a deep hoarse voice,it was youthful the way curt remembered it.

They caught a cab,brian sat in the front seat whispering to the driver where they would be going.It was a silent ride there,only the sounds of the cars outside.At last they pulled up to a small building,a condemned building with wood over the doors and windows.'Are you sure you want to be here' the cab driver asked.Brian nodded handing the driver a wad of cash.They got out of the car,curt had a confused look on his face as brian led him up the steps.'This was the sombrero club where i first met Cecil.This is where it all began.I sang,Cecil was in the crowd he liked what he heard and i got signed.See,if it hadn't been for this club i would've never met you.Oh curt will you ever forgive me?' he looked into curts eyes a tear streaming down his cheek.Curt sat down on the step 'what happened to you brian? you look so different.'. Brian sat down beside him lighting another cigarette.'This...all this is just make-up and this hair is fake.' he said grining.He pulled it off and curt saw that he hadn't changed a bit.His youth was still there,his big full lips,his soft skin.Curt was overcome with joy he too shed a tear.Brian wiped his tear away 'so what now curt?' he asked.Curt said simply 'Old times' and he grabbed brians arm and tugged him back to the cab.
Fifteen minutes they were at a liquor store purchasing vodka,beer,and red wine.Hopping back in the cab they were off again.

Finally,they came to brian's house in london.It was a large white house with a white picket fence around it.There was a balcony over the double garage,and a greenhouse around the back.'Wow you certainly made a name for yourself Tom...i mean brian' Curt said.They went inside and were met by a huge doberman.He jumped up on brian licking his face.Curt looked around at this huge place brian called home.There was antique furniture everywhere,the carpet was even an antique.Paintings hung on the walls,there were two bookshelves in the corner,an antique lamp sat on a small table.The table was like nothing curt had ever seen before,it was round in shape the top looked crystal but it's pattern was filled in with silver and gold.The kitchen was huge,a countertop sat in the middle in front of the fridge and cupboards.There was a pantry that looked like it could fit both him and brian,and maybe even the dog too.Books and magazines sat on the countertops.There was a plant beside the sink that looked like it hadn't gotten water for a decade.There were mirrors everywhere,he came to darker room.There were various sheets hung everywhere their patterns gave the room atmosphere.There was a sound system in the back of the room a microphone was jammed into the plug.Half a dozen electric guitars were hung in display on the wall.There were a few clothes racks against the wall,hung on them were colorful pieces of clothing and feather boas in every color imaginable.There were mirrors on the roof,and plush carpets on the ground.

Curt found the main bedroom at the end of the hall.There was a huge canopy bed with white curtains and red beads hung from the top of it.The blankets were red and white the pillows red.More clothes racks were set against the wall.Curt found yet another bookshelf and beside it a wooden desk.There were candlesticks all over every dresser every wall.There was an open copy of 'The picture of dorian gray' on the dresser beside the bed.Curt wandered back into the living room finding brian laying on the couch.'How do you like the place' he asked curt.'It's very nostalgic.Very cozy' he replied.Brian rose from the couch disapearing into another room.'I'll be right back.i'm just gonna change' he called from the other room.Curt drummed his fingers on the coffee table,he still couldn't believe it.He heard sounds from the other room but still no brian.'You almost done' he called out.There was no answer.Curt sighed leaning back on the leather couch.

Nearly five minutes later brian appeared poking his head into the room.'Shut your eyes' he said smiling mysteriously.Curt shut his eyes straining to hear as brian crept into the room standing in front of him.'Ok open them!' Brian shouted.Curt opened his eyes and there standing in front of him was the most beautiful man he had ever seen,the one he remembered.He wore his gold tophat,leopard print jacket gold pants and his knee-high gold platform boots.He looked just the way he had that day they did the press conference.Curt felt his heart leap out of his chest.'You still have that' he asked 'i didn't think you would keep it'. Brian smiled disapearing into the other room again.He came back with another outfit covered in plastic.It was Curt's outfit,gold jacket,gold pants he even had the shoes he had worn that day.Curt couldn't believe it.Brian handed him he outfit and told him to put it on because the two of them deserved a night on the town.

The pair stepped out on the street again,and it felt great,just like old times.Curt put his arm around Brian and they began walking.Brian tipped his hat at everyone that passed by getting off on the looks he got from them.'Are you having fun brian?' Curt asked stealing brians hat.'Yeah!'brian yelled trying to get the hat back.Brian chased curt down the street running until he couldn't run anymore.Brian grabbed the hat back and they collapsed laughing on a bench in the park.

A serious look came over brian all of a sudden.'Have you talked to mandy at all?' he asked holding his hands on his lap.Curt took brians hands looking deep into eyes as he said softly 'mandy is dead brian,i'm sorry'.Brians eyes opened wide with fear as he repeated those words in his head.'I'm just fucking with you man.I talked to her a few days ago,she still cares about you' curt replied with a sneer.Brian swore his heart almost stopped those words,why had curt joked about such a thing.Of course he still cared about mandy,she had always been there for him.If she were dead brian could've never forgiven himself.He turned away from curt a hurt look fell over him like a tiny grey rain cloud.His hat fell off his head and he began to sob resting his head in his hands.'What have i done' curt sighed.They both fell silent except for brians sobbing nothing was heard from the pair of starlets.His body shook,tears streamed from his sorrowful eyes A couple kids came from the opposite end of the park and spotted Brian and Curt sitting on the bench.They sat in front of a tree watching as brian fell into curt's arms.Curt stroked brian's hair as his tears fell less and less.He felt all the comfort he could ever want right there in curt's arms.The two little boys giggled as this story of passion unfolded in front of them.Brian moved his head over curts heart listening to it beat rapidly,hoping he had a special spot there. There had never been another moment in brians life where he had felt as comfortable and loved as he felt at that place in park.A shiver rippled down brian's spine as he closed his eyes and listened to the beating of Curt's heart.'I could stay like this forever' he thought as calmness spread across his body.Curt kissed the top of brians head realizing that brian need some norturing and it would be him that would have to attain that duty. He cradled Brian in his arms. He was different than Curt remembered him, he was like he had been when Curt had first met him. Before he got too 'skitzoid'. He sighed, it was relief, their break-up years ago had left a scar on his heart. When he had sang 'Gimme Danger' that day, it had been for Brian. The words had been perfect for the feelings Curt had balled up inside him. He had seen Brian that day, breifly. It had caused an eruption inside him.

Brian stood up from the bench dragging Curt with him back to the limo. He needed Curt again, to feel the love and passion he had felt before. He needed Curt to hold him in his arms and he would feel like everything was gonna be just fine. And he felt they needed to talk about what had happened before. He wasn't sure what was going to happen between him and curt when they got back to the room. He hoped there wouldn't be another argument, because it would hurt too much. He knew he had been a brat over the years letting the fame go to his head, loosing the lover he had cared about so much. His heart ached still although he sat arms reach away from Curt. He watched Curt while they rode to his house. His hair had grown longer, he still had those piercing blue eyes, and he had lost a few pounds. And like his last name, he was wild. The shock treatment some years ago had definately had something to do with it. Brian loved him for everything he was and everything he wanted to be. He wondered what Curt was thinking about, was it about him. Brian thought of what to say for the rest of the ride there.

They got there finally, 'i'll make us some tea' Brian said as they got in the doorway. Curt followed him to the kitchen and sat down at the counter. He watched Brian hurridly fill up the kettle with water and set it on the stove. He put the stove on and then sat facing curt at the counter. Curt sighed, it was time to talk. They hadn't talked for years and here they were, there was no turning back. 'So..' Brian said with a smile. Curt smiled back 'so. 'What happened to us' Brian said softly holding back the tears pooling up in his eyes.
'I wish i knew.. everything just exploded in our faces all at once' Curt replied proping his chin on his hand. 'I know luv, and after you left, my career just fell because i missed you. We weren't a pair of starlets anymore and i missed it. I wrote a song for you, about you, jerry made finish the album, i didn't want to. And me and Mandy just fell apart too. And i wondered where you were, hoped you were ok. I would just lay in bed at night and look at the empty spot beside me and i would just ache. It was like loosing a part of my heart, to you' Brian spoke slowly as single tears fell down his face. Curt sat there helplessly staring at this beautiful boy who was in so much pain. The past flashing back before his eyes. 'I wandered around the streets that day we fought, saw you everywhere, couldn't get you out of my head. I tried to push the thoughts of you away by burying myself in music. I slept with many people but i always saw you.'

'Oh Curt how i've longed for you all these years and now your here with me and i'm so afraid' Brian said sofly. Curt looked at him nervously 'afraid of what luv?'. Brian cleared his throat 'well, i'm afraid because of what i've done and that it just won't be the same between us. I fear it will become awkward . What can we be anyway...lovers..friends..aquintances..' he smacked his hand on the table turning away from Curt. Curt was surprised at this remark. Surely they would get over a thing of the past, it would take take from Brian, Curt wasn't over it himself. Life was rough. The kettle began to whistle and Brian began to prepare the tea as if nothing had happened. He sang softly 'well this is such a sad affair i've opened up my heart, oh so many times, and now it's closed..' Curt bit his lip listening to Brian's still soft and sweet aching with youth. 'Brian, i don't know whats going to happen to us, i didn't know when i came here, i just knew...that i had to be with you.' He heard brian begin to sob uncontrolably.

He could sleep no further that night. The urge hadn taken full control, he needed a hit. He unwrapped his lovers hands from his own and climbed out of bed. It was his third hit that day, Brian knew nothing about those other hits and wouldn't know about this one. He found his stuff under the bed where he hidden it and settled at the table. This was to be his final hit.

He wrapped the cord around his arm and prepared the needle for injection. His plans for that night swimmed in his head. He planted the needle in his arm and pushed the fluid in. He felt himself sigh almost instantly as the hard drugs pumped through his blood. Suddenly everything became clear, he knew what he had to do. And he began to think why he had to do it. He had brian back, his record had sold more copies than he had imagined.

Curt was depressed. He felt guilty for what he had put Brian through after everything. Maybe his mind wasn't clear after all, the drugs had taken control and were talking for him. He leaned back in his chair as his vision became cloudy with tears. He looked over at brian sleeping peacefully. His arms now tucked on his chest, chest heaving up and down with sleeping breaths. He was so beautiful and yet so helpless. He would write Brian a note. He found some paper and a pen conviently enough, placed on the table. He regained his focus quickly diving right in.

Today has been the best day of my life. I found you again and for that I am happy. But i can't do it anymore. You put me through hell and i began to question myself. I thought over everything from the beginning. Meeting you, falling in love with you, making music with you. And i want more than anything to make up everything and have us be together again. But i can't. I feel like I can't live with you and i can't live without you. Like each way leads to a dead end. Except this way. Know that I love you deep down inside and don't blame yourself. I feel so many tears on my face right now and it's all that i feel. My heart beats for you. I spent some of the best days of my life with you. You made me feel special until the end. It got so crazy so fast i couldn't stop it and the whole world spun around. I didn't know how to talk to you without loosing you. And then i did. And my life became a mess. I tried and tried to forget you, to forget us. I tried finding someone else, to move on with my life. It was hopeless.

So here i sit thinking of you. I watch you sleep so peacefully and I can't believe your here. And it's all a dream and here is where i wake up. Don't Blame yourself.

Eternal love Forever,

Curt choked back the tears setting the pen on the table. The words had come to him so simply, had this all been planned before. Were these words leading to his sad demise. He ran his fingers through his hair quickly flinging his anger through his fingertips. The tears flew down faster and faster staining his porcelain cheeks.
It all came together, but not. He rose from his chair throwing open the doors to the balcony. He felt the cold night air fly across his bare chest. His leather pants hugged his thighs. It was all so ferocious. His legs draped over the ledge as he pulled himself up.

He looked over the edge at the city, at the night. Tiny lights flickered about and he could see everything from his place high in Brian's house. It wasn't high, but high enough for Curt's own sad demise. And as the wind pulled and tossed his hair every which way he was on top of the world.

He curled his feet over the edge and counted in his head never reaching that number that told him to jump. 'Don't chicken out now you pussy' he told himself leaning forward. It was now or never and never wasn't peeking its head around the corner. He regained his balance just for a moment. And he fell forward.....

An arm caught him and pulled him roughly to the floor of the balcony. Brian lay there beside him with Curt's arm in one hand and the letter in the other. Tears were flowing down Brian's face, his eyes showed all the sorrow a man could take. 'WHY!' Brian screeched collecting himself from the floor

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