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Greek Smut: Epmetheus and Admonis

Title: Greek Smut: Epmetheus and Admonis (1/?)
Date: May 2000
Rating: S-PG-13 (for now)
Archive: I'd love to be archived anywhere anyone wants me, though this isn't really a fandom
Summary: A young Greek shepherd meets an older man whom he hopes will give him some really great sex.
Disclaimer:This is in no way historically accurate, and was just me making fun of the whole Classics thing. So, expect nothing great. It's done in foopsy style.
Pairing: other/other
Author's Notes: This will be ongoing. Like a set of Aesops fables. Each story will have a moral to it. Feedback:I'd love some feedback! I adore it! Evenif you hate it, tell me! Beacause I was probably thinking the same thing!

Greek Smut: Tales of Sex for Small Children

I. Epmetheus and Admonis

Epmetheus was standing in the purple gold fields of the windy Iscean plains as the North wind Zephyr tousled his twice-gilded curls and stroked his sun-kissed body. His white tunic ruffled in the wind as he gazed at the cloud-like sheep bounding through the tall grass that bent low and touched their fuzzy foreheads.

Epmetheus watched their sheepy rears bouncing from side to side and longingly looked upon their sheepy little feet and their sheepy little faces. Epmetheus went upon all fours and bounded after one particularly divine sheep. He had difficult catching his breath as the handsome creature turned and looked him in the eyes. Long moments they spent regarding one another. “Oh sheep…I am not worthy of your beauty.” Whispered Epmetheus softly. The sheep chortled and fluttered its black lashes and twitched its little black nose demurely looking away. “Did I see thee blush my sheep?” asked Epmetheus playfully. The sheep turned and bounded away. “Ha hah then my beauty! The chase is on! With that Epmetheus gave chase.

He pursued it down the hill and into a valley green with grass and pink with blossoms. The fair maidens by the river’s side who beat out their laundry on the cool banks looked up and said, “Ah! It is the beautiful shepherd come down from the hills. He is amorous today. See how he chases that sheep!” They all grinned and hollered at him and twisted their little hands into crude gestures. Epmetheus laughed and waved still moving in on that little white cloud of ewe passion.

The cloud ran atop another hill and Epmetheus grabbed its sheepy ankles and tackled it to the ground. The sheep cheerfully chortled and grinned at the handsome Greek boy. “Ah sheep! If I were to kiss thee wouldst thou run? Or wouldst thou stay?”” He began to tickle the sheep. The fun was interrupted though when a voice was heard above the two.

“Ho boy! You favor the sheep I see. It seems that all the shepherds of your land do. I have seen numerous youths wrapping their tawny arms about the slim limbs of ewes.” Said a man, tall and handsome with hair like spun gold.

Epmetheus leered at him and swiftly replied, “I favor many things.” Epmetheus threw the sheep he had loved so madly to the side and shooed it away. The pitiful creature did so with many a tear and heavy heart for it had lost the kind gaze of his lover. “My name is Epmetheus.”

The man chuckled and held out his hand, “I shall help you up my dear boy. My name is Admonis.” Epmetheus thrust his hand forth eagerly, and was pulled up.

“Greetings of the most sincere nature Admonis. You are certainly quite strong as is apparent in your most excellent form.” Said the shepherd.

“Ah! Thankyou. Tell me dear Epmetheus, have you had any formal education? If not I would be most eager to aid you in the furthering of your knowledge. My former student has married and has no need of my services any longer. “ Said Admonis with a hopeful twinkle in his eye.

The youth, Epmetheus grinned wholeheartedly and replied, “Well certainly I have. However I have forgotten nearly all of it and would sorely love to be reminded.”

“Then my dear Epmetheus, I shall restore your lost knowledge. Shall we begin tomorrow?”

“Yes. Yes Admonis. As soon as possible. You may do whatever you feel is necessary to me, in order to refresh my memory. The older men do indeed teach the younger.”

Admonis smiled and nodded, “And so it shall be for all time my boy. Tomorrow then, upon the morn, I shall meet you at this hilltop in the open air for us to breathe.”

The youth frowned. “Admonis, do you not think your private chambers would be more appropriate? Many a young maiden journeys by this place.”

Admonis raised a brow and quietly said, “There be quiet places enough in the fair land of Greece. I must go now though to my home. I bid you farewell Epmetheus until Apollo, fairest one, races his chariot across the azure sky with the first song of birds.”

That night past, a little bird on crimson feet flew to Mount Olympus to wake the most majestic and proud of the Gods, Apollo. The bird wrapped his talons on a blonde curl and sung a little song of joy in his ear. Apollo’s blue eyes opened wide and he leapt from his crowded bed full of lovely wood nymphs and satyrs, and put on a fresh tunic; then situated himself in front of the mirror and carefully placed the verdant wreath of laurel leaves about his head. As he grabbed the leather reins of the golden chariot he growled, “Now to educate that boy Hyacinth!” With a crack of his whip he sped off into the blue heavens.

A moment after the event previously described; Epmetheus was atop the hill with his flock. He paced about nervously occasionally checking his reflection in the glassy eyes of a dull sheep.

Admonis, long-legged, was soon seen to be striding over the wavy grass of the Iscean plain carting small scrolls, bits of papyrus, and some reeds and ink. “Good morning Epmetheus. You look well this morning. I would even venture to say the closest liking to Apollo as I have seen on this mortal ground.”

Epmetheus blushed quite fervently and sat on the grass with Admonis. Admonis began to arrange the paper on the ground. “Now Epmetheus, I would like to first try out a bit of logic on you so as to prepare you for the mathematics before you. We’ll try a method called syllogism?”

“No Admonis. I am willing to try anything once though.”

Admonis appeared confused for a moment, but shook it away. “Well, one for instance…If all dogs are barking animals, and poodles are dogs, then what must one logically conclude of poodles?”

Epmetheus sat utterly still for several moments not even blinking, “Well, I suppose that all poodles are dogs.”

“Well, Epmetheus, you are correct of course. That was not what I was looking for however. I was hoping that you would conclude that all poodles are barking animals.”

“What has this to do with anything Admonis!? I see that this in no way effects the education that you promised me.”

“Epmetheus! Please. It has a great deal to do with your education. Simply think on it, and tell me what it does have to do with your education. Think of such a problem on your own.”

Epmetheus bit his lips, and blinking slowly said, “Well, an eager student is promised an education. Any proper education would require the instructor teach him in the ways of passion, and sex, which can only be taught to the student by an experienced instructor. The teacher wishes to please the student. What must one logically conclude?”

Admonis’ eyes widened and he stammered out quickly, “I suppose the er… teacher…would give the student…the education the student…wishes to…errr…..Um…. adopt!”

Epmetheus stared expectantly at Admonis and lay on the grass stretching his arms over his head. “What now then?”

Admonis averted his eyes still stumbling over words and said, “Phi..Ph…Philosophy now.”

Epmetheus cried, “Philosophy!”. His eyes flared at poor, disconcerted Admonis who sat trembling slightly. “Admonis! You’re a terrible teacher! My past teachers never mentioned philosophy or mathematics!”

Admonis cast his eyes downward, “What then Epmetheus, did they teach you?”

Epmetheus gasped and came nearer to Admonis. “You really don’t know! Do you?” Let it be noted that at this point he lost concentration as a sheep just nuzzled his shoulder.

“What did they teach you Epmetheus?”

“Well Admonis…It was…you know…sex.”

“Show me Epmetheus. Teach me what they taught you. Please?”

The youth drew away from Admonis. “What terrible nonsense are you speaking of!? Younger men teaching the younger? That is simply repulsive of you!” Epmetheus snuggled into the sheep behind him, “Admonis, you are a pervert! You have positively no right to live.”

Admonis reached out his arm to the golden youth’s ankle. “Oh please my boy. Do not leave. I understand now. I can guess how to go if you guide me.”

Epmetheus recoiled and stood with his arm about the sheep and strided away over the green hills. Admonis wept for he has lost a beautiful thing for his ignorance in modern educational practices. Years later though, another shepherd, less bashful and equal in beauty did finally educate the older man in the trends of that day.

Epmetheus later became a grand scholar to sheep and died amongst them, exhausted in a haystack.

***THE MORAL IS: Never assume anything when a sheep is present!


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