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Well as most of you know that I am in a band and I am the lead singer of it. It's called Frozen and right now well we are trying to find a guitarist. We do have one but she lives in California. Currently Its me and Damien on drums Stevo on bass and Shonda on guitar.

Chelsye-vocals- Chelsye was born On may 27 at 4:20 in Twin Falls Idaho. She is now the lead singer of Frozen and has one nickname Magik 24 given because that is how many fish she caught in one hour.

Damien-drums- Has lots of nicknames inclu. Damienatrix Mr. Chitty Mr. Shitty and so on. He dyes his hair every week almost and even has leopard spots.

Stevo-bass-the youngest in the band and he likes Blink 182. He dyed his hair brown once but other than that he is BLond! Way Blond I call him Cobwebs

Shonda-guitar-Shon Dapo is the guitarist and she likes to draw toasters and take pictures of Trash cans. She was born a year before Chelsye on May 28.