College Proffessors Perform Amputations

Not all the spooks are on the battle field! Gettysburgh College has it's own stories to tell. And I almost attended that school for my own ends!

The story was that two of the proffessors stayed late one night grading papers. They finished up and took the elvator together to the first floor. Only, it didn't stop there. The elevator continued down to the basement, where the doors opened to show a ghastly scene. The proffesors were a captive audience to a group of amputations. As the two stood there in shock praying for the doors to close, a surgeon with a blood soaked apron approach the elevator with two buckets full of severed limbs. Holding out the buckets, he asked for a little help, and just as he reached the elevator, the doors closed and it headed back to the first floor. The professors are no longer at the school.