What Do You Think?

The place was North Pole, Alaska. We were staying in a mission with a few other people. We occupied the basement where there were three bedrooms, a small kitchen and a full bath. A church couple and their family occupied the upstairs. We would have prayer meetings and church socials upstairs, and Bible study downstairs, once a week.

One night the police called stating that there was a young African woman in Fairbanks that needed a place to stay. It was in the dead of winter and she evidently was a vagrant.

The young man who ran the mission, went to Fairbanks, picked the woman up, and brought her back to the mission house.

We all greated her, showed her where she'd sleep and where the bed clothes were. She had little to say, but seemed to focus on one of the young boys and the puppy. She was very thin, with very short cropped hair, and extremely dark, forboding, and hollow eyes. She sat picking at her skin and brushing at it as if something were crawling all over her.

She reached out and touched the dog, who recoiled with a "Yap!" and ran to it's owners room, crawling up under the bed, where it stayed for three days. This was very unusual behavior for the dog, as it never met a stranger.

She also watched the little boy, and seemed intent on finding out what his name was. He was only about six years old, but later said, "That woman has demons, they want to do something to me! That's why she keeps asking me what my name is. I'm not telling!"

None of us seemed to know what to think, so we went to our respective living quarters for the night. The next day, I awoke, cleaned and scrubbed the basement quarters, and went to the kitchen for a drink. Wonjerra came down and asked if she could take a shower. I didn't see why not, so, I said, "Sure!" I had just cleaned in there, so I knew that it was ready for use.

She stayed in the shower for about thirty minutes. I could hear the shower running and the flow of water as it dispursed down the drain. About forty-five minutes passed, when she came out of the bathroom and returned to the upstairs.

I returned to the bathroom to re-clean the bathroom. What I saw will remain with me for the rest of my life! Though she took a shower and I could clearly HEAR the water DRAINING, there was a skim like substance covering the entire surface of the inside of the tub. It was grayish in color with what looked like very fine particles, like fiber, but like sut from a wood burning stove...tiny streeks of this and more tiny streaks of what appeared to be blood, all over the inner surface of the tub! I don't know what it was or how it got on there. My personal belief is that it was demonic filth! I know of no other explaination.

Submitted by: Vicki

Note from the Editor: I'm not sure what to think of this story, but I get a weird feeling from it. It could be true, I'm not saying it isn't. But I leave that judgement up to you.