Case 2: The Verdict

Verdict: Fake

The Case:

Case 2: Library Cam spots ghost!

files found at:

Is it a ghost, or a camera glitch?

Duane writes, "I know it looks like the back of a woman's head with long hair but it isn't because there was no one in the room for hours while we watched the web cams and there was only 30 seconds between the images refreshing. Not bothered either way just thought you might want to see it and see what you think."

Enlarged version of first



It's a real person, not a ghost. Looking closely at the photos, especially the closup, you can tell it's a woman bending over to either place or remove a book from the shelf. At the top of the figure you can see her hair is tied into a ponytail; she is wearing a dark sweater (which gives the illusion of long hair) and a skirt that looks to be dark blue or purple. In the top photo you can also see one of her legs. The room looks to be part of a library; the fact that no one had been in the room for hours probably just means the library was closed during that time.


I think this one's a fake. With 30 seconds between webcam takes a LOT can happen. And it can be easily said that the room was empty when that shot was taken. I'd need more information than this to think anything else.


fake, it's a woman with long dark hair, wearing a white headband and a purple shirt. plus, if the date and time are correct, what kind of library is closed at 11 AM on a saturday morning?


well, it looks like its totally fake. not alot of usefull information, and picture sucks. I mean it could be anything. a wig a womans head, a one word it could be anything. so i think its fake.

Terri & Kevin:

To be honest, i think too that the image is a fake, there have only been a couple of photo's i've seen to date that have actually made me wonder "whats up with that?" But then again, opionions are like rear ends, every body's got one!