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Recollections of a Lost Childhood


By: Mary Ann Boring


I sit in the wet sand, staring out over the lake.

This is my secret place. Mine alone.

Memories of the past come to me unbidden.

I attempt to shut them out, but they come like the tides.

I contemplate the course my life has taken.


My father was dead. I stood beside his grave.

I must learn to go on without him. Carry on his name.

I am his legacy to the future, his gift.

I miss him so much that I sometimes wish I could join him.


Three years in Pineridge was way too long.

Alone and isolated.

So many chances and so much time lost, never to be recovered.

Lost to the past, lost in memory.

Ping Hai did what he thought best for both of us.


Lost in the system. No one wanted to take in and raise a teenager.

Until one day I skipped math class to attend a lecture given by a local police

captain named Blaisdell.

That day changed both my life and his. Mine for the better.


Becoming part of a family again. I had to get used to trusting again.

This family gives me many things I never had: a mother and sisters.

I also got stability from them, safety and love.

Everything to become part of a normal family.


Remembering my father still hurts, but it's more tolerable.

I remember his presence, his lessons and his love.

I wish I could hear his voice and those of the others again.

Feel his warmth and love.


I grew up and became a man without him.

Things happen that I cannot explain.

I feel something tugging at my heart, trying to gain a foothold in my life.


A man of mystery saved someone from a burning building.

I saw the brands of the tiger and the dragon on his arms.

He is Shaolin, like my father was.

I wish I could take the time to speak with him, but I am on an undercover

assignment and can't risk being exposed.


In response to a question from the crowd, he said something my father had

taught me so long ago.

His words brought back long buried memories of his teachings and those early



I went to see this mystery man in the hospital.

I could tell that he might have once been at our temple.

I told him that the words he'd spoken to the crowd had been taught to me as a

child by my father.

He recognised me and felt our link to each other.


Our shock turned to great joy.

He embraced me and something awoke those memories.

I realised that this man was my father.

In that instant, I knew my loneliness would finally be over.

I would never let my father leave me again.


Our relationship is strained, but we're slowly working it out.

All I know is that I love him and I don't ever want to lose him again.