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Mary Ann Boring


Alien body and a kindred soul.

You were unsure as to who to trust.


You were the first one I trusted.

The first to reach out your hand to me in friendship.


Then I learned why your people came to my world.

I confronted you with what I knew.

Instead of lying to me about it, you told me the truth.


There were some among you who were opposed to your Leader's plan. You were among them.


Very few, at first, but then your numbers began to grow.

At the end, your network joined with ours as we planned the final battle.

You risked your people's lives on our last, desperate gamble.


Even though we drove the others away for a while, you and your column had nowhere to go.

You stayed on Earth and took a job with me, becoming my partner.

Above all else, you were like the brother I never had.


When Diana killed you, part of me died with you.

As you died in my arms, I promised you that she would die by my hands.

I will not rest until she does!