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Trial by Combat


By: Mary Ann Boring


        Philip whirled around to face the new intrusions into the arena. Sweat from the prior morning's events glistened on his human-appearing face and his green eye sensors showed that his concentration was focused on what was about to take place. In his intensity, he failed to see a familiar face among the new combatants.

        His opponents prepared to face the great warrior, each of them aware of his reputation as a highly decorated Combat Master. The entire assembly in the arena also knew of his skills, but none of them knew that this tournament was to be the last one he'd ever fight in as a military officer. He was resigning his commission to join the Judge Advocate General's office, thereby devoting the rest of his career to fighting the corruption that ran rampant through the military as well as the laws of his people.

        As he seemed vulnerable to attack, one of the opponents of his moved in with a dagger. To the attacker's surprise, Philip blocked the blow with the shield he held in his left hand and drew first blood with the sword he held in his right.

        Seeing the green blood spurting from the wound in his opponent's neck, Philip felt a momentary twinge of guilt at having to kill one of his own, but each combatant knew that it was either kill or be killed. He quickly dismissed those thoughts as two more of them moved in to press their advantage.

        Their gladiatorial nets strike empty air! Having sensed the vibrations of the movements of their feet, Philip leaped away from the spot where he'd been standing moments earlier. He drew his side arm with blurring quickness and fired at the closest of his opponents. The warrior staggered forward, his mind numbed by the blaster beam only to collapse at the champion's booted feet.

        The final challenger hesitated when Philip turned to face him. The champion felt as though he'd been slapped in the face as the only being he had any sort of attachment to now stood before him. Philip knew that it would come down to killing his only living relative or be killed himself unless he could do something to prevent it.

        'How can they expect me to take the life of my own twin brother?' Philip thought to himself. 'I cannot do it! I will NOT do it!'

        'Could I possibly kill him?' Martin thought, his own thoughts at that moment similar to his brother's. Even though there seemed to be no way out for them, he had faith in his brother. Many were the times while they were growing up that Philip had kept him from harm. He'd do it again. Martin moved in for the attack. 'No, I mustn't think like that!' he thought as Philip counter attacked with ease. 'He'll think of something and come up with a way out!'

        The crowd hissed their anger and disapproval of the lack of action. They wanted to see blood, even if it meant that one brother had to kill the other.  Martin couldn't bring himself to do anything to harm his brother, even though he knew that the only way to gain entry to the Military Academy was to best Philip or survive the competition. But he still hesitated. The audience grew restless and noisy.

        Philip was prepared to use a little known and seldom remembered trick that might be able to save both of them. He'd concealed a small and undetectable stun beam in the sleeve of his combat jumpsuit. He rushed at Martin with the knife in his hand, only to find himself quickly disarmed by his twin. He knew that if Martin lost his temper and decided to press his advantage, there would be little he could do short of killing him to stop him. Before Martin could get close enough to do any damage to him, Philip palmed the stunner.

        To everyone's surprise, they saw Martin go limp in the arms of his identical twin brother. Those who had been suckers enough to bet against the champion had been led to believe that these twins were evenly matched in skills and strength.

        As the blackness and numbing pain engulfed him, Martin barely heard Philip's barely whispered words. "I'm sorry, Brother. I did this to save your life. I had no other choice."

        Watching the attendants carry Martin's limp form from the arena, Philip hung his head in anger and shame. He was unaware of the roaring crowd cheering his victory and calling his name as he walked away. In that instant, he knew

that the way of life he'd once cherished was now and forever gone. It made the decision he had made all the more easier to face.