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Shock Rock E-Zine

Featured Article; Marilyn Mansons Connections Between God Satan and Scooby Doo
Guitar Tutorials on Shock Rock; . Others;
Chapter One; Learning Style

Chromatic Style

General Style

New Style

Creepy Style

Hot new tours;

The Tours Are All Expiered - Dumb Ass

Whoo! I just did some stuff. Um... Uh... I added a thingie to Chapter Two. Its a scale I invented. =( It's not a goof scale, but worth a look see definatly. Whoo! I rhyme unintentialy.

I abandoned this website a while ago, I think I got five hits and so I left it. I come back like a year later to find that I had 700 hits. What the fuck? I didn't even update the fucking site. But I feel wanted now. You can feel confident that I will continue to update the site for at least another month. I have also changed quite a bit, so now I hate Kittie. And I was never into Korn, but I had tour updates 'cause I sold out. But I digress. Im still a sell out. Anyway sign my guest book if you want to make me feel good and make me want to update. I have a band, too, but we suck right now cause of drugs. I'll give you a link to the band website, but don't expect to see anything good. The only time I'm feeling creative is when Im high.

Prosthetic God

For this Months Shock Rock E-Zine, we have added tutorials on how to write your own Shock Rock Guitar Music!

Not only that, but because we needed some examples we have started an appendix of tablature for guitar.

Chapter One (on your left) is a basic knowledge on how to write music in the style you want.

Chapter Two is about creating your own style and tone.

Tell me about my website and/or me. Plus what do you think would be a good name for this "Fantasy Shock Rock" Band?

Your E-Mail

Chapter Two


Sign My Guest Book! (I made it myself)


  • Um... Some stuff
  • A fantasy Shock Rock Band

Ignore these;