All The Beeper Codes You Could Want
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0*0- Roh-Roh!

0*10*0- Im tired

0*17*8*1*2- Oh-You-Ate-One-Too

0*7*1- I need a favor

00- Airhead

000*0000- I'm online/I will be online

000- Call whenever you can

0000000- Bronx Cheer

0001000- I'm alone right now

001- Please

001122- I dont know

0049- Accident or something wrong

007- I've got a secret

009- Going to a movie, wanna come?

0099- Going out, wanna come?

01*01*01- Dont have a cow

010- Plans changed

011 - Monday

0121- I'm confused

020202- Just thinking of you

022 - Tuesday

024 - Going to the beach ( H2o upside down )

0242- Hey lover!

033 - Wednesday

038*2*09*537- Lets go to bed

04*04*04- Happy Holidays (Upside-down)

0404- I will always love you

04177*553176- Guess who (Upside down)

044- Thursday

05*05- Margaritas, dude! (Cinco de Mayo)

075*078*5304- Hoes Blo Slo

055-  Friday

060- Youre fine

064- Don't call me

066- Saturday

07- Just kidding

074- I need a favor

0741- I need a favor

077- Sunday

07734- Hello

080808- Kisses and hugs

09*09*09- Let's talk

09- Why dont you get a cordless phone like regular people?

0909- Its off, canceled

099- I've got something to tell you

1*00- Im on the phone with my BF/GF

1*177155*400- I miss you

1*8- I ate

1*800- I'm free - no plans tonight

1- You're the one; you the man

10*177117- 10 minutes

10*2*1- Slim chance

10*2- Youve got 10 minutes

10*20- Where are you?

10*4- Is everything OK?

10*400- Thank you

10- You're perfect

100*200*300- Cant see you anymore

100- Come back

10000- Lets go for a swim (10,000 Leagues Under the Sea)

10000001- Miss you

1001- Prove it

1004- From your angel

101- I've got an easy question

1023- It's over

1040- You owe me big-time

105- Cancel

1052- LOVE!!!

107- Come back

11- You're perfect

11111111- Congratulations!

1118153*119- Wake up

1182- Come here fast

119- Im in trouble

12*25- Merry Christmas

121- I need to talk to you alone

121212- Happy Birthday!

122- I want/need you?

123- I miss you

124- I'm dreaming of you 

125- Im board

1250- Me to

13- I'm having a bad day

13*30- It's getting old

1300- Going out

133- Don't forget

135- You wish 

13579- This is weird

14- Hi (Upside down)

141- I'm with you

1423- I want to die

143- I love you

1432222222- I love you soo much

1443- I dont love you

1492 - Let's go sailing

15*11- Okay

15*177117- 15 minutes

15- Hugs

151- Want to join me?

15243- I want to be with you

153- I hate you

1543- I still love you

155- I wanna go to sleep

16- Kisses

1692- I want to

17*131707- Love ya (Upside down)

17*31707*1 - I love you (backwards)

17- No

1701- Live long and prosper

1770541*1770541- "Moshi moshi" (Japanese for hello)

1776- You're sickening

178- Ill call you back later

180- I love you

183- I'm Busy

187- You're dead 

19- Yes

1925- Let's go out

193- Do you miss me?

195- See you tonight 

2*2- Lets dance

2*4*6- I'm pissed off

2- Me too

20- Pick me up

200- Tonight

2001- You're way out there

201- Cancel previous page

2010- Later

202- Don't meet me

203- Get off the phone

204- I'm/Everything OK

205- I'm on my way home

209- On my way

210- Got your page..I understand

21 - Lets have a drink

213- Miss me?

214- Received your message

215- Running late

22- Be good 

220- Why haven't you called

221- Where are you?

222- Are You busted?

2222- Im sleepy

224- 2 good 4 you

23- Whatever

230- Oh yeah!

234- Just for today

235- Problem has been handled

237- Are you alone?

24*7- 24 hours, 7 days a week

24- I'm Home

240- Tomorrow

243- We love you

244- My baby

245- I'm/everything is ok

2468- Your terrific

25- Sorry

255- I'm at a payphone, hurry

26- Tequiero

260- Its late, please hurry

265- Check your e-mail

27- Need you

270- Cancel previous page

280- Today

285- Stay away for awhile

288- When will I see you again?

29- You stink

290- Im without my pager today

3- Wussup

30*177117- 30 minutes

30- This is getting old

300- Guess who?

301- Is this a bad time to call?

3011- Be careful

303- Stop playing

304- Ho Ho Ho

305- I love you back

310- I'm thinking about you

315- I miss you

320- Wish you were here

321- Please reply

324- C-U-Soon

325- Hope you're feeling better

3293- Can't wait

332211- Movies

330- You are incredible

333- Whats up?/How are you?

334*334- Hee, hee

335- Your crazy

340- I owe you one

341- I like you

342- See you later

343- Call back now

345- Thank you

346- Come back please

350- Sorry about that

35006*17715- Silly goose

36- Youre cool

360- I love you back

3620- Sorry I lied

365- I'm blowing you a kiss

370- Congratulations

375- Don't ever change

3788178- Bubble (Upside down)

379919- Giggle (Upside down)

380- Your last page has me smiling

3838*07734- Hello Baby

3838- Hey bebe

385- Hi Cutie/Handsome

3898-Babe (Upside down)

390- Best of luck to you today

395- Please be careful out there

3999- You hurt me

400- Wanna hear something stupid

4040- I hate you

405- I've got a secret, hehe

410- You owe me big time

411 - I need info

414141- Sorry to bother you

415- Get an atittude adjustment

419- I dont understand

420- You're in trouble buddy

423- Call me now

425- Call me later

426- Call me tonight

428- Call me tomorrow

43- You freak

430- You did it....bravo

434- Hope you feel better

435- Yes

438- Going to the beach

440- Hey clown, cheer up

444 - Thinking of you

445- Ditto to your last page

45- Good night

450- Who pulled you chain?

455- Don't make me come get you

460- Mind your own buisness

46*73- Goodnight, sweet dreams

4678- Let's stay home

47- Good morning

470-Im w/ u thru thick and thin

475- Long time no harass, hehe

477- Best friends forever

478- Just you and me

480- Let me know

485- I quick howdy to you

49- Good afternoon

490- You're in loony land

495- Go for it!

5*0- Are you booked?

5- Hi

50*50- It doesn't matter to me

500- Beep me

5012124- Sorry

5020- So what

505- SOS

50538- Besos (Spanish for kisses)

508*508- Sob sob

52- Hurry

522- Think of me

525- Going to the party

53- Thank You

533*11*787312- See ya later

533- Where are you?

54- Never mind

54321- I'm ready to explode

55-  You are a sweetheart

555- Call me

56- Sweet dreams

58- Happy birthday

5900- I'm sick

5971- I feel better

6*8*1*9*8*17- U B 6 I B 9 (You be "6" I be "9")

6*9999999- Get in line

6- Always

60*017- Go online

60*60- I'm very happy

60*70*00012- Go to the door

6000*6- Good luck

601763005- Gorgeous

603- Hope your feeling better

609- Im mad at you

612- Thinking about you

6167- I am going to lunch

620- I dont know

62180- I'm grounded

629- Calling from payphone

630- Calling from cellular

637- Always and forever

66- Im mad

66- Lets hit the road

660- You better be ready

666- Can't go out

668- Not

67- Always & Forever

6734- Help (Upside down)

6771- Good friends

69- Lets get together

7- Forever you will be in my heart

70- Im sad/depressed

700*600- Happy anniversary

7007- You're a joke

707- Laugh out loud

710- I'm out of gas (Read upside down)

7179- Best bud/friend

722- Don't beep me

747- Let's fly

757- I miss my baby

77- Friends forever

7735- Sell out

789- Going to the mall

7942- From your friend

7979- Cheer up

800- Boo

8000- Goodbye

801- I'm going over

808*804- Bad boy

8081- I had a bad time

811- Not a emergency, but important

815- I'll be good

8198- How about dinner

82- Hurry

823- Thinking of you

825- Anytime

8255- Get your butt over here now

8282- Hurry up

831- I love you- 8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning

838- I know it's you

843- Bye

8431- I can't wait to see you

844- Can you handle me

8498- Forget it

8558- Waiting for your call

86*0- Are you mad?

86- You're finished

864- I'm home

8642- I'm gonna get even with you

87- You're late; I'm late (Read upside down)

8800- Ill call you later

881- I forgive you

883- Beep me now

890- Leave me alone

9*2*9- Forgive me

9*4*4*4- Are you thinking of me

9*5- It's quitting time

9*52- I screwed up

9*9*9- Only us

90*401773- Go home

90*90*90- No, no, no

90*91*92- I had a great time

90- Youre beautiful

9000- Repeat message

90210- Whatta snob

9043- Relax

906- Im on my way

909- I am at work

9090- Go.Go. (Put a move on it)

910- Sorry I hurt you

9103- I will try

911- This is big; this is an emergency, call me now

9143- Do you love me?

920- Cheer up

921- I do care

922- Let's try something new

9229- Big problem

93- Grow up

9339- Some other time

9341- Do you like me?

937- Never

9428- What do you want to do?

943- Where are you?

9437- Liar

9438- Where?

9444- Are you thinking of me?

9449- Please be good

949- Why?

9500- Friends

95507- Your loss

961- Let's try again

966- Bad news

968- Im all yours

971- I had to go...

972-  I'm ready

9779- Mmmmmm

98*6- Hope you're feeling better

9810- Im bored

9876- I'm serious

9890- Forever

99*44*100- I'm almost totally completely bored

99- Nighty Night

9908- Can't talk now

9922- You don't care

9955- Don't do it again

9993- I'm okay