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"He is as the day to a night creature.. forbidden. yet I am a different sort... ..attracted by light, although the light itself would be my undoing. What is it in something untouchable... so forbidden... that draws fascination? Yet with me, it was more than fascination. but a lust.. much more than the common lust of my kind, but an instant, obsessive lust that hit me with a blinding force. What choice did I have, but to cave into it, and name that forbidden my own? Even if it destroys me... to have it for one glorious, spellbinding minute... that is worth it all. "

"And, there he sat.. so frail and fragile..the most innocent and beautiful creature that my heart could ever dare to love. And, all at once, I was born to him, belonged to him.. though he only 'existed'.. could he ever know what utter power and authority he held over me? Of course not.. unless, perchance, he could actually read my soul... see the things I could not.. the feelings that I couldn't explain. Then, slowly, his eyes turned to me, a breathtaking experience that could never be matched. Simple, and delicate.. those are the only words to describe it. Perfection fell upon the room.. how could everything that I did be so wrong? Because everything he did was so right.."

~The Beginning of My Obsession~

A different chapter

Who am I?
