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Welcome to David's Homepage

Where is my refrigerator?

New Blog?!

Blog Site
My Space

Are you sure you are visiting the right webpage?

Because my old one vaporized...

Go doggie! Find me some salami or a woman who can make me a salami sandwich!

;)Thank you for visiting my webpage. I do not know how you get here. But while you are here, enjoy your stay and feel free to give suggestions.
(click on the doghouse at the bottom of the page)
Scroll down for updated messages

Trying to set up a blog site. I suppose that I am still light years away from being computer efficient

Page with stuff
You will find some photos here. For those of you who are interested, I took the photos.

CLICK #1--->=)<---#1 CLICK
Connecting toARTPhoto Album room#1=)!!!
This is new!=)
Photo Hut #1 now open! =) I will put more pictures in there.


Connecting toSnoOPyPhotohut #2=)!!!

Photohut 2 is now up. You will find photos taken from vacations/trips/Snoopy and Gangs


Connecting toSnoOPyPhotohut #3=)!!!

Photohut 3 is a working progress indeed... I still have so much things to upload!!

Hut#3:lab data/school work

=) Something new in hut 3
Links and some imag. to decorate this site...

^^. I will update this page tmr.

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(just click on the snoopy image!=)

Provided by International Bible Society