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">Cave animation!! YAY!<

Bregens has just received a shipment of the 5 motors for the R2 unit we are making (see 5/18/02 Post below) Now we need some speed controls and batteries, but actual progress IS being made in its contsruction. Woo hoo?


Bregens hath discovered how to make REAL lightsabers that can cut through anything it touches! It slices, it dices, it cuts arms off, jedi knight style! Well okay, so he can now make it look like it can do all that stuff. Oh yeah and he make make dogs shoot 'lasers' (said in a Dr. Evil voice) out of their eyes. Well okay, its just his dog, and again its digitally edited. But still. Check em out...

Ah hell, how could i resist? Such loving, adorable eyes...oh wait.


Hey in the whole Star Wars rennisance (however you spell that) Lightsaber handle have begun to be made. Although sketchy (remeber these are firsts) here are the first two. One is larger to accomodate a two-handed style more easily. (u figure out which one.)

Hey im still working on them!


Alright. Bregens and I are planning to make an R2 unit (named R3). So im going to be posting some updates occasionaly. I got some pictures from our formal that i might post, for amusement, but im not sure, cuz thats kinda off the beaten path. But yeah, im kinda the new web master now cuz Bregens is off trying various projects. Hes in a Star Wars rennisance(however you spell that). Ummm right. Well anyways, im thinking of redoing the banner, adding Jedi Outcast. Id add GTA3 also, but the dumb software writers were too lazy to put in a multiplayer option. Well yea, i might convert this into less of a strict gaming site, but the clan is still strict gaming. Ummm right. Thats it for now.


HEY! YTX is thriving behind the scenes New!-The MAtrix(rescue morpheus) level will be finished soon for Jedi Outcast AND MOHAA, and soon afterwards the multiplayer versions will be available. For full details check out the MOHAA page.








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