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What does the Throne of God Look Like??

General Notes:  Taken from “The Throne of God”, a study in the Book of Revelation, by Monte Judah, Lion and Lamb Ministries [] with notes and observations added by the author.

The key to understanding the book of Revelation is understanding who the Angels are, what the Angels say, where they came from, and what that place means in heaven. 

Almost everything in Revelation is also revealed in the Old Testament.

God is always trying to draw pictures for us so that we may get a sense of his Glory.  The tabernacle in the wilderness is a poor substitute, but it is God’s pattern and a reflection of the actual Throne Room in heaven.

Who in all of history has seen the Throne of God?

Moses and the Elders of Israel  Exodus 24:9-18 
Isaiah – the Lord’s throne filled the temple    Isaiah 6:1-13
Ezekiel – the Fiery Chariot comes to Babylon Ezekiel 1:4 – 28
  Ezekiel 10:1-22
Elijah – swept away in the Chariot of Fire 2 Kings 2:11
Daniel sees Yeshua Receive the Kingdom Dan 7:9-10
John – Taken up to heaven Revelation 4

Our God is a God of Patterns – look for the patterns in Revelation – he is trying to tell us something, to teach us something, with each pattern and picture.  If there is something you don’t understand in Revelation, look for its predecessor pattern in the Old Testament, to get a better idea of what it is.

God’s Throne is a Chariot of Fire, and is called the MERKABAH – the Ultimate Hot Wheels Vehicle

[Note:  Merkabah is also the name of the Israeli tank]

There is an expanse over the Cherubim – seems made of sapphire stone – a.k.a. the Sea of Glass or Crystal Sea

The Ark of the Covenant is below the Cherubim – God sits on the Mercy Seat located above the Ark, above the Cherubim, above the Crystal Sea – remember the Ark of the Covenant of Israel

There is a Golden Alter in front of God, [John’s description] and there is also a Fire Alter [Isaiah’s description]

The Angels about the Throne

Four Seraphim – six-winged creatures located above the Throne who sing

Cherubim – four-winged creatures with four faces each – man, bull, eagle, lion; they also have burning wheels full of eyes, and are located below the Throne;

The four creatures covered with eyes, with four faces each, the face of an Ox, of a Man, of a Lion, and of an Eagle.

Moses Blueprint for Tabernacle = a picture of God’s Throne

Moses saw the throne room of God, and received plans directly from the hand of God to build a tabernacle for Him on earth, representing what the Throne Room of God looks like in heaven.  When you enter the inner courtyard of the tabernacle, you first see the great Fire Altar where sacrifices are made in front of the Holy Place. 

When you enter the sanctuary, the Holy Place, on the right is the table of showbread, a golden table with bread lined up on it, representing Yeshua [Jesus] sitting at God’s right hand; on the left is the menorah, the golden lamp stand representing the Seven Spirits of God, the Holy Spirit, [Isaiah 11:2]; right in front of you is the Golden Altar of Incense, which John saw when he was there.

If you could enter the Holy of Holies, the Most Holy Place [the veil separates it from you – representing the Angel Suriel] within the Holy of Holies is the Ark of the Covenant, above it are the Cherubim, with their wings outspread, two toward each other, two extended upward.  Above them in the air is the Mercy Seat of God, representing the Throne itself where God sits.  This is where the Shekinah Glory resided in the first Temple, the physical manifestation of God’s presence.   There are perimeters around the Most Holy Place to separate us from God, [The Holy Place, the Inner Courtyard] to protect us, to remind us that He is very, very Holy, and that we are not holy. The perimeters remind us of the danger of approach to the Living God, and that if we will approach, we must have the covering of the Lord Yeshua.

Note:  Satan used to be the Angel of the Face

Eze 28:14 – 16:  Thou [art] the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee [so]: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. . . By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.

Archangel means Prince of Angels, Mighty Angel

When Moses died, Michael the Archangel had to contest with Satan for the body.  Jude 1:9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.  Michael was responsible for the stand on which Moses body lay.  Moses was attended by two other angels – Gabriel covered his head; Sagsagel covered his feet;   Jewish tradition says that the two angels who attended Jesus at his resurrection were Sandalpan and Sagsagel.  These are also the two who escort you to the right place at death, and will help at the resurrection.

When Gabriel appeared to Zachariah, he was putting incense on the Golden Altar in The Holy Place, Luke 1:5-22 . That is where he is in the real heaven, standing by the Golden Altar of Incense in front of God.

Merkabah Crystals

Merkabah Crystals are a star tetrahedron made from various semi-precious stones consisting of two interpenetrating 3-sided pyramids that form a three dimensional Star of David. Symbolically, it links the mind, heart and body in a way that produces the MerKaBa.  This term means “chariot” in Hebrew, and is the word used to describe God’s throne.  In modern Hebrew, it is also the name of the Israeli tank.  In the eighteenth dynasty of ancient Egypt, it meant:  MER – rotating fields of light; KA – spirit; and BA – soul; There is most likely great Hebrew influence in the Egyptian name of this stone.  Because of the similarity of names, I think the actual throne of God in heaven takes the form of the three dimensional star of David, and is the pattern for the two dimensional Star of David with which we are familiar.