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Welcome To Runescar.

Why is the Runescar website so plain and boring? You come here for information. Nothing else. You don't NEED music. You don't NEED pictures. At least, not to learn the rules. That takes up space, and as you can see, I'm using a free service provided by Angelfire. Bless them.
Why IS it an angelfire site, rather then it's own domain? Tight budget, you see: $0. Maybe when I get a job next year I can get my own domain name...but until then, this will have to suffice.

Hello everyone. I have decided to produce a forum that many people can enjoy. Obviously, I am trying my hardest to stick with it, so, please, don't give me a hard time over the quality of the site. I am not an experienced CG Artist. I don't have a scanner. If I did, I would submit all of my drawings to Elfwood. Bless them.
Give me one thing: the quality of my English is better than most. Spelling and Capitalization are of key importance to me while RPing. It seems to actually measure the level of competence of the RPer. Strange, huh? Well, if you're wondering why, it's because so many people DON'T. I'm not saying you can't join this forum, which, I'm hoping, will commonly be known as RS from this day forward, if you don't like to spell. But make the attempt, PLEASE.
If you have any suggestions, please, don't hesitate to spit them at me. Be polite, though, or I'll trash it. And, if you'd like to be on my staff...I'm sorry, but I'm not accepting anyone. Don't even bother asking, it'll just aggravate me. Of course...if you want to aggravate me, I won't kick you out or anything. I don't really care about OOC squabbles. If you take them to me, you'll get nothing. You won't be punished for it, but remember: General Level Of Competance, Kay? No, that was not a threat, it was a joke...
Now, for the formal explanation of Runescar and our welcome speech. Enjoy!

Welcome to the land of Runescar, a planet stirring with adventure! Explore the vastness of this strange, undocumented place as you battle through hoards of evil creatures the likes of which you have never seen! The restless Namuh, The power-hungry many others, a bestiary is not enough! Choose your race and master every class to become one of Runescar's champions, one of the almighty figureheads that watches over the whole of the lush planet, seeking out evil...seeking out good...and eradicating it to mantain the balance! Play as fifteen different races, master 10 different classes, and RP your way to victory! Many more surprises await the catastrophes, new hybrid unbreakable evils...good luck to you, and may you fare well on your quest for fortune, glory, and power the likes of which you have never seen!

Well, have fun and all. I rather enjoyed writing the way, english is called Common as usual. But...don't use words like hell, heaven...microwave...seems silly that I have to type this, but you'd be surprised.

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