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i am often told i am very beuteful and sexy my ex boyfreind used to say i walk with a dead sexy wiggle he said i jigle my arse like a hooker i dont now weather he ment to be horible but he always smiled wen he said it so i think itt must be good i am a smoker and wiskey is my poisen in an evening i go to my locel sosial club and get together with a few of my freinds i live in a beutiful house that you can see a picture of under pichures page 2 my ex boyfreind is in prisen that is why we split up but you can see his pichure on my site i have made a guestbook becouse id realy like to know if you think i am beutiful everyone says i have unusuel eyes i hope you enjoy my site you may see me on a chatsite my nickname will be sexy-woman see you then
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pichures are here of me and freinds and family
pichures page 2

this is all abowt me