
I look at all of the memories in my life I hold dear
Some far away, some very near
I tuck them all safely out of harm's way
So I may bring them forth on any given day

These are my riches, my treasures
My moments of laughter, my moments of pleasure
These are my jewels, they are my gold
Precious are they, mine to hold

But share them I have time and time again
For these treasures where created with my family and friends
And guard them I must, so forever they'll stay
Part of who I was, will be, and am today

These treasures I cherish with all of my heart
And never with them will I part
They enrich my life in such a way
That I would not exchange a single memorable day

Take a look back in your own memory album
To the time and place where they have come from
Remember and feel, and you will see
That you are indeed as rich as me

