
Haiku is a Japanese verse form that relies on brevity and simplicity to convey its message. It is usually three brief lines of five, seven, and five syllables. It often has a seasonal reference as well. It is believed to have been first written in the seventeenth century and was based on a Zen Buddhist philosophy of simplicity and the idea of perfection that excludes the extraneous.

A friend's comment about Haiku: "Haiku to me, is like a 'moment' -- it relates to nature and also to time, either the passing of time, or a moment of time."

To me, it is about how we inter-relate with nature, how we are an extension of it, and vice versa. And also about capturing the "whole" of a moment, whether that moment be a split-second, or a hundred years...

So I started playing around with this at a site where they post a daily pic for inspiration, which works for me because I am very 'visual'. Although I don't make it there on a day to day basis, I do try to go there as often as possible. I look at it as writing practice, delving deeper into the pith, and breaking away from the 'form' which I seem to have adopted... Some of it, I think came out pretty cool, others I think suck....lol

But I thought it would be fun to start posting my writings just the same. If ya like it, great! If ya don't...tough nuggies!(I figure they can be no worse than one I read posted there about a frog that ate Bob!) heh! Without further ado...les voici!

~~Click For Most Recent Entries~~

February 19, 2000

Our soul's reflections
Echo in nature's beauty
Vibrant, pulsing, life.
March 13, 2000

Thick, soft, fluffy clouds
Wrapping themselves around me
Shielding me from pain
March 14, 2000

Pastel painted sky
Nature's art in the making
A feast for the eye
March 15, 2000

Beat of wings so fluid
Like the beating of my heart
Miracles in flight
March 16, 2000

Here I am greeting
New day that dawns so brightly
Ready, I stand tall
March 17, 2000

Shadow on the sand
washed clean with the ebbing tide
Shadow cannot hide
March 19, 2000

A clear horizon
Just beyond the stormy skies
Is within our reach
March 20, 2000

Tapestry of Fall
Fiery color displaying
breath-taking beauty
March 21, 2000

Day's radiant light
That lit up the sky so bright
Flees into the night
March 22, 2000

I cross over the bridges
That lay in my way
On the footpath of my life
March 23, 2000

Here I stand alone
I tremble, I am frightened
of the howling winds
March 24, 2000

Time may lay in wait
But only for a moment
While you catch your breath
March 25, 2000

The will-o-wisp winds
They come to taunt and to tease
Tormentor of souls
March 26, 2000

I sense them approach
The winds of change are coming
Calm before the storms
March 27, 2000

Where skies meet the surf
Blues mix, blend and change their hue
But each remains true
March 28, 2000

Even mighty oak tree
Still bends, still bows to the wind
Humbled by its force
March 29, 2000

Sky so deep of blue
As far as the eye can see
As the deep blue sea
March 30, 2000

Of boundless green hills
Beyond emerald valley
Untainted beauty
March 31,2000

Fox takes a moment
To think of his next sly move
Then fox runs again
April 1, 2000

Even the smallest
Of these earthly creations
Wonders to be seen
April 2, 2000

The intricate web
That it takes our lives to spin
Fragile, yet endures
April 3, 2000

Winter's frosty air
Anesthetizes nature
With its icy breath

The more I read about the "form" of Haiku, the more I realize...You have gotten it SO wrong! Well, maybe not entirely...however, the more I read about Haiku, the more I am getting a "grasp" a "feel" for it. I read somewhere that you should not publish your writings of Haiku, as they are practice...Well, being the person that I am, I will SUBJECT you to them anyway!! So bare with me, as I evolve in my knowledge of Haiku in its true form and content, and continue to post my writings...

April 9, 2000

A field of flowers
Fragrance blows on the breezes
So the blooms within
April 10, 2000

But red rock and sand
Desert plains stretch before me
You are oasis
April 11, 2000

Climbing to summit
The snow-capped mountains of high
I look through the clouds
April 13, 2000

The sky up above
Painting beauty of this earth
Rainbows beaming bright
April 14, 2000

Great is the vastness
Opening up below us
We soar in freedom

Sort of giving this thing another go, might be interesting to see the contrast...

May 23, 2004

Behind the shadows
Sun hides for an evening's rest
And tomorrow looms
May 26, 2004

Summer vacation
A cacophony of kids
Silence was golden

Rain clouds hang heavy
Watching the school Olympics
Who will win this race?

May 29, 2004

Pleasing to the eye
The contours of your soft form
Like a perfect rose

June 23, 2004

Lofty the pines
Peripheral view
Quiet in the valley

June 28, 2004

Warm summer day
Cloud formations
Remembering childhood

Tuft of white clouds
Sailing above tall pines
In ocean blue sky

Crawling up my leg
Pine bug disrupts
A perfect summer afternoon


Check out my other
Not-So Daily writings!
