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My Home Page

Some Info

My Favorite Web Sites

Korean Music and More
My school
Glenn's Homepage
Nick's Homepage

My Future Wife...=P


The Thugs of Carr3

Thug Life!!!

Doesn't Nhut look like an opera singer?

No comment needed...just plain "GQ!!!"

Glenn groping a painting...=P

Aww...How cute...Amy and Glenn cheesin together...=P

Does Nick's finger look abnormally long, or is it just me?

Gal Bi anyone?

More Karaoke...

Glenn's got pretty good range...=P




Muhahahaha...there's Glenn hogging the mic again...

This is me at graduation with my family.

Who's the sexy guy on the right?

My date Tia and I, before a dance...=)

Ben and his date...

Inside of the Limo~

JaeHa, Glenn, Erica, and Yoontae(me), at Denny's

Me and one of my best buds, Brian...He's at Trojans!!!

Baby picture of me...don't I look a lot like my dad?

Bald is Beautiful!!!

My Parents on a date...=P

I used to be a football stud~~

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