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Hi welcome to DragonBall Termination Xero(DBTX)! We have all kinds of videos that u can watch online! We have Music Videos, Funny Videos, and we also have online games! I want to take the time now to tell evryone that i did not make any of this content on the site it is all stuff i found while surffing the net and some was sent to me by some friends. I hope u all have fun wit wat we have so far and we will be adding things evryday. Have fun!

 » Escomo Bob Z
 » Dbz Tournament
 » Bloody Rage

 » Saiyan Pride
 » DragonBalls
 » Evil Shenron Guide

I hate virusis!
08.013.2003 ++ posted byGohan

My stupid computer caught that stupid windows virus only ours we had to update evrything and it costed us over $17,000 to get it fixed but its gone and we are gonna keep a low profile and make sure this virus is gone for good or else ur computer might catce this virus but aslong as we dont update for a while theres nothing to worry bout. Later!

08.07.2003 ++ posted byBlade

i love this site as much as i like cheese (alot) DBZ tornament rocks

New Pages
08.05.2003 ++ posted byGohan

Ok, We have been working pretty hard and we have 3 new pages up and two new games added the pages have not yet been added to the navigation so i have listed them below.

EvryThings Working!
08.02.2003 ++ posted byBuu

hey everybody iv ben going over the site cheking the videos the games and everything and im giving you a little advice if your in this sight you better look at every single thing its worth it trust me it is worth it.

DBXT Content Added and Site Open
08.02.2003 ++ posted byGohan

Hey everyone, welcome to DragonBall Termination Xero we have finaly opened up all the content and games and evrything else and we will be adding things evryday so i dont want u to go off thinking that this is all we're gonna have on the site but we are now working on some really good stuff. later......

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