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“Listing on the MLS Flat Rate Fee”

Dear Home Owner:

We are aware of how valuable your time is and we are sure that you will find our services of interest.

We specialize in assisting For Sale By Owners; we are here to assist you in saving your hard earned equity. F$BO Assisted Realty was created with you the owner in mind. We agree that you, the owner can sell your home without the traditional listing real estate agent. We find that often times an owner is willing to pay a commission for a buyer’s agent (2.5%-3%). If you are willing to pay a smaller commission, the best way to get your home advertised to the agents is through the MLS. The MLS is a web site offered to agents only, 75% of properties sold are through the MLS. By placing your home on the MLS thousands of agents will see your home and bring buyers to you. Most times agents are unwilling to show a “FSBO” because they are working with buyers and have no agreement to be paid a commission. Realtors are motivated with a 2.5-3% commission to bring a buyer to your home; you have agreed to pay their commission. As an added bonus your home will be listed on several additional web sites where buyers without agents can access your home. With this in mind we are here to assist you in the sale of your home, F$BO Assisted Realty never acts as a Dual Agency (representing both the seller and buyer).

Our services page will give you a brief overview of the services that we have to offer For Sale By Owners.

Thank you. Please look over the information on our site; I look forward to working with you in the near future. Please feel free to contact us at (314) 388-1155, should you have any questions or concerns.


Betty Bombardieri
FSBO Assisted Realty

Website designed by Pat East. Design, layout, and format is copyright 2003 Pat East. All content is copyright 2003 FSBO Assisted Realty.