You are a moron and you do not mean shit.

Face it. You are a moron. You have been a moron through Grade 1, you have been a moron through Grade 2, and guess what? You are still a moron at Grade 4. Big surprise there. Really, take one second to think about it. Who has gave a damn about you in your life? Really think this one over. What is that I hear? Your parents? Your parents will be dead soon, you dumb bastard. Then what? Then who will give a damn about you? Yes, that is right. Not a single mother fucking person on this planet. You may mean shit to some, but not in a positive way. Fat Tony from the mafia does not want to be your friend, you stupid fuck. Yeah,next time he holds you at gunpoint, ask him if he wants to have a tea party with you. Flying shit is better than you; at least it can fly. What talents do you have? Your response may be "I can ride a bike well" or "I am good at sports". Well, what the fuck will a bike do for you twenty years down the road? Do you think your boss (we will call him Antonio) is going to be proud of you? Antonio hands you a resume. It asks you for your talents. You put "I can ride a bike well". You will then see these events happening in chronological order:

1.People in security uniforms will walk in the door. 2.The aforementioned people will grab you by the legs and arms. 3.You will be dragged outside. 4.You will eat the fucking pavement.

Now,onto sports. Wow, you can dribble a basketball. Does that basketball look you in the eye and give you a paycheck so that you can get into college? Fuck no. Unless you are mentally deficient, basketballs will not hand you paychecks. You see,you are a moron and are worthless. Actually, a new IQ test has been invented that utilizes the latest in computer technology. This test works by scanning your retina with particles that pass through your eye, allowing it to scan a small portion of your brain. This process is extremely quick and is not tedious. In fact, it is finished already. Here are the results of the test:


Counter: 00001 people do not mean jack shit (I wonder who the fuck that is).

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