.::we seek the unseekable, speak the unspeakable::.

today is: April 14 2004
Today I feel: really tired...
"You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write 'Fuck You' right under your nose. Try it sometime.""
Straight from Holden Caulfield on why theres no peaceful places...Woohoo. I love that book and I haven't picked it up in a while. My knee hurts...I think i scratched it like I scratched my face...with my ring.. and its scratched buddy. Woo! I only have 47 points for my xbox... and I need 550... only 503 to go ! Shit.. thats a lot..i think i have to pee.. I FUCKING LOVE RICE! hahahaha! RICE FACE! I want to eat all the chicken... I want to turn off the fuckin shit playing on the tv, it sucks ass,and I dont ever wanna hear rap again in my entire life, im fucking puking rap... haha
why isn't she suspended? How come I dont understand why SHE is going out with....HIM~> what the fuck...id be so mad, id be hatin.. no no no !
I want a shirt that says "i survived the 8th Grade!" that would be fuckin awesome. ommfs! I gotta turn this creed shit off! turn it off lord!

Hear Me Now: "blood pigs" - otep
The Voice: im hungry again
weird realization: baeat sntlk !

*Fav. Quote*...

"I love you" has 8 letters in it. So does BULLSHIT.

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otep...infection three

s0 preci0us l0ving the thrill...