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Drum for Fun!!!

A gathering for all peoples to celebrate the unity and diversity of life through rhythm, chant, drumming, song, and fellowship. Drum for Fun is for people of all ages, races, religions, musical abilities, orientations, genders, lifestyles, whatever - Anyone and Everyone. You are invited to participate.

Our energy for life is our creative energy. Our fascination with creativity and the relationship between our inner child, inner parent and mature adult self. Understanding the nature of this relationship is the key to accessing our creative flow.

Drumming is a great way to move our energy and activate the energy of others, It leads you to Dance, letting our body speak its truth and by moving its energy, allowing us to heal ourselves giving ourselves permission to be free making space for our spirit.

Join us at 7:30PM on the First Friday of Every Month at:

  • The Yoga Studio, 123 Creek Rd, Mt. Laurel, NJ, 08054
  • Call for Directions 856/222-0338
  • LOTS OF FUN !!!

Come and Visit

The Yoga Studio
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