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** For those of you not versed in American Sign Language,or ASL ** 

** The above spells out "merry meet all"**

This web site was established to create a resource for those individuals who are seeking to combine an interest in Earth Based Spirituality with the field of Deafness. We welcome Deaf people, Hard of Hearing people, and Hearing people to visit. We have a two-fold mission with the Deaf Pagan Resource Center -

1.) To be a place where individuals of Like Mind can come together to discuss the Pagan Path, to share our traditions, learn about our spirituality, participate in rituals, and develop our own personal relationship with the Goddess and God.

2.) To be a place where individuals of Like Mind can come together to discuss issues related to Deafness - sign language, interpreting, deaf access, being Deaf in a hearing world, and similar topics. 

We focus on three areas: 
Awareness - to assist our fellow Pagans in becoming more knowledgeable about Deafness, and the needs of Deaf Pagans; and also to provide information to Deaf individuals about Paganism and Earth Based Faiths. 

Advocacy - to support and encourage more Pagan events to be accessible to Deaf participants; and to empower Deaf Pagans to be the very best individuals they can be, not only in their spirituality, but in all aspects of their lives. 

Accessibility - to be a resource where all people can come and be a part of our virtual spiritual community, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or any other so-called "labels"; to make topics of Paganism and Deafness accessible to all, especially those for whom such information may be difficult to obtain; and to promote access and acceptance for all individuals, especially Deaf Pagans. 

This doesn't mean that we are all seriousness...
we like to play and have fun also

We hope that you will take the time to browse through this web site and learn more about us, Deafness and the Pagan Path.

Deaf Pagan Network
This will tell you a bit about our e-group. Click here to learn more about how to join, what our rules are, etc!
Clan of the Spiral Hand
These are the shared thoughts, experiences, knowledge, etc. of regular DPN members
Deaf Culture & Paganism
Find information on accessibility issues, Pagan signs, Deaf Culture in relation to paganism, etc.
Wheel of the Year
Here you will find the rituals that The Clan have written in celebration of the Sabbats of the year.
(keep checking to see what has been added!)
Council of Elders
Get to know the members of the current council and find out how to become an Elder.
The Clan's cyberhome...
A place of mist and magick, where the faeries dance and the Clan gathers to celebrate life.

(will be uploaded at a later date)
Book of Shadows
A place to find ideas, articles, stories, tables, books, reviews and a bounty of useful information!
Horse House
A place of learning in our cyberhome MoonHaven and a place for you to go and learn something new...
(will be uploaded at a later date)
Hall of Fame
Here is where we list those places that receive the Deaf Pagan Network's Spirit of Awareness Award.
(will be uploaded at a later date)
This is the place to find contact information for members, links to ideas, information, member home pages and other pages of interest.
(will be uploaded soon)
Deaf Pagan Network Online Store
Please visit our online store. Find wonderful products with various DPN logs! All moneys go to the DPN Fund

Thank-you for visiting with us...
May your path bring you among us again...!
~Blessed Be~

*** Many of the graphics on these pages were designed and created by members of our Clan... It would be appreciated if you would ask before taking them. Feel free to send a letter to and request the use of any background or graphic. Also, if you are interested in using any of the original writings you find here, feel free to inquire about those also!***