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Wednesday, 6 July 2005

Mood:  sharp
Topic: drunk people
I hate drunk people not the loud happy kind which I happen to be I hate the mean insolent I am god kind who think they can do or say anything and it's alright yeah whatever like driving while drunk oh I won't get caught even though I have in the past and then you bring it up to the person and they jump all over you and say they are never going do it again when the person already tells you they pretty much does it every time he drinks away from home so its just majorly annoying it's so unsafe I mean if gets his spine crushed in a car accident cause he chose to drive drunk that's one thing but if he kills somebody else in a crash oh my fucking god I can't even imagine bringing the subject up with him cause I think the better part of him know better but I am not sure but I think he has a bit of a problem. I don't agree with it and there are so many other alternatives and yet the genius still thinks he needs to drive drunk I mean honestly one of these day I will be visiting his ass at the fucking prison after he plows over a groups of monks or something no actually actually that would be a breaking point I wouldn't visit somebody who was in prison for being so supremely stupid unless the were a really close member of my family cause you gotta stick by them

Posted by yt3/callalily at 3:01 AM EDT
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