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About Tom Yu
Online Food Shopping 
The Naylor Video will forever remain on this page. It's an absolute classic and its the first and final video.



Text Box: 23rd September, 2004
It has been almost an entire year since I last updated this damn site! Alot of things have happened in that time!!! ALOT. Making new friends, losing some unneeded ones (fucking bitch! Get over yourself and get that fucking pole out of your ass. Honestly, nobody gives a shit about you! I don't even know why i'm mentioning you here. You know who your stupid dumb fuck ass is, that's right what the hell are you gonna do about it? You can't do shit cos I didn't put in your name.) Those who think i am referring to Annie are total morons and should die cos its not Annie. Overall, I'd say it has been a terrific year cos I escaped many things that would have haunted me for ages if I had continued on with them (Read underlined text above). So, what have you been up to? haha email me if you wanna talk, add me on msn whatever, i don't care.  Anyway i kinda like somebody, she's special and her initials are LL hehe i luv that! Until I can find some other shit to write/talk about (to piss all you ppl off with) So Long Suckers....