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Welcome to my world... You'll be sorry you came...

Tid Bits of advice...

What up people of the suburbs! Unite against the public bein up on the private beaches! I ain't from Malibu no... I'm from the bitchest suburb of them all baby... Minnetonka, Minnesota. Yea, you better be scared. I'm still scared. Any way... to those who don't know me yea... I'm Dustin. I love ladies, food, and life. Those are the three big ones. Family goes in there somewhere but I'm not sure where yet... but I'll figure it out. My guys out there... I love y'all... you got my back for sure, and that's straight as can be. ANDREW - What will we do next? No one knows, but we aren't due to get caught for a while so... hey who gives damn right? DEREK - Mythology class is the shit... plus damn the ladies are fine! ANDY - You got my back forever bro, and you know I got yours. Bad Boys for life. ARTHUR - Breathe in, then out, then stop screwing so many females. You gonna catch somethin soon. NATE - Take it easy, relax, and don't let stupid shit work your big ski trottin ass up. NICK - Laura, Credit Card, oh shit. Then... Jo Martin's bike... that was some funny shit. TERRY - Get your shit straight and follow the damn law for one day... or at least try... STEVE - Not all democrats are evil... only most of them. RICARDO - Lay off the Mary Jane and you might be able to prnounce my name some day. BEN - Back away from the computer/tv, turn the star trek off, and take a deep breath in. Then go back to doin' what your doin but you need a break sometime bro. MAYANK AND ABHI - I'm gonna get you for eggin my car... just wait. RYAN - Haha! You got expelled... oh by the way who were you stalking? To all my friends who have been with me rollin late at night looking for food an ladies... give it up for Dave's house that's right... Wnedy's Late Night. Also give it up for Perkins... 24/7 almost everywhere. I'm about to head to the deep end here so stay with me; it is all about living your life for you, and no one else. Don't treat every situation as a life or death one because you'll die a lot of times. ALWAYS tip your waitress. NEVER eat yellow snow. Help one person each day. Fire is ALWAYS cool. (but don't touch it then it isn't very cool at all...) If you do a favor for someone, don't ask them to pay you back... ask them to pay it forward and make our world a better place. Respect not only yourself, but also others and there are no limits to what you can do in life. Back into the shallow end now. I have to represent the senior class of HHS, it just wouldn't be right if I didn't. Yea, I'll graduate... no I'm not going to college, I'm going into the military, that's right US Navy DEP right here! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------***To all the men and women who perished in 9/11, and the brave men and women who have given their lives in sacrifice so I may live easier, may you Rest In Peace. To the men and women who still fight for our freedoms, I pray that you come home safe and unharmed, and you shall not falter, for the Lord walks with you through the valley of the shadow of death, and he sahll guide you home.*** To those who know me, thank you for all of the support you have shown me through the years, and for always being there for me, evn through the trials of life which have already come and those which have yet to come. Dad, I love you. Keep on keepin' on. Mom, I'll always love you no matter what, if ever you need me I'll be there. Yea, I'm a momma's boy; and if anyone has a problem with it they can go cry to their momma. All my friends I will never forget what it is to be a friend and I hope that all fo you achieve what you seek in life, and may you walk with God, and find what you desire in life.

Tight Links - This is some funny shit. - Even funnier shit. - Once you go you never leave. - My name is pizzajockey1, if you think your good enough, bring it.