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Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Youssef

Assistant Professor

Geological/Environmental Engineering and RS/GIS application


Ph.D. Geological Engineering (University of Missouri-Rolla) 2004 USA
Civil Engineering ((University of Missouri-Rolla) 2004, USA
MS. Geology (South Valley University) 1998, Egypt

BS. Geology 1992, Egypt

University of Missouri Rolla (Missouri Science and Technology)



Curriculum Vita of Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Youssef

1.      Assistant Professor: Geological/Environmental Engineering and RS/GIS Sohag Uni.

2.      Consultant: Geological Hazards and Engineering at Saudi Geological Survey


Present address: Saudi Geology Survey, Geological Hazard Department.

P.O. Box 54141, Jeddah 21514, Saudi Arabia

mobile: 0545841309 e-mail


Past Address: Geology Department, Faculty of Sciences, Sohag University,
P.O. Box 82524, Sohag, Egypt, Mobile: 002-0125947887



I am an assistant professor of geological/environmental engineering and GIS/Remote sensing application in the Department of Geology at Sohag University since November 2004. I got a B.S. and a MS. in geology from the South Valley University (Sohag Branch), Egypt in 1992 and 1998, respectively. I got a second MS. in Civil Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering) and a Ph.D. Geological Engineering from University of Missouri-Rolla (Currently Missouri University of Science and Technology), USA, in 2004



My research interests focus on two major areas: 1) Geological/Environmental/Civil engineering and 2) Remote sensing and GIS. As a Geological engineering, I am interested in all aspects regarding application of engineering theory to solve geological, environmental, and geomorphological problems. As well as, the application of Remote Sensing and GIS in geological and structural mapping; environmental engineering; landslides; rock slope stability; database management systems; solid and liquid wastes disposal sites; sustainable development; statistical analysis applications in engineering geology; and geo-environmental hazards.


I enjoy geological/environmental engineering because I am curios about geological and environmental problems and using engineering theory with the help of remote sensing and GIS to solve them. It gives me a good chance to travel to remote places and examine the Earth.





Ph.D., Geological Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla, July 2004.

Dissertation Topic: “Development of a Highway Rock Fall Hazard Rating System and Management Database System For Missouri Highways Using Digital Video Image Analysis And Geographic Information System”.


Geological AND Mining Engineering Courses

Engineering Geology and Geotechnics, Geological Engineering Design, Rock Engineering, Fundamental and advanced Geographic Information System, Discontinuous Rock, Well Logging I, Aggregate and Quarries, Advanced GIS (USGS), Fundamental and Advanced Remote Sensing (USGS). Rock Mechanics I, Advanced Rock Mechanics, Rock Slope Stability


M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla, May 2004.

Civil Engineering Courses

Elementary Soil Mechanics, Elementary Foundation and Pavement Engineering, Intermediate Soil Mechanics, Soil Stabilization, Foundation Engineering II, Geosynthetics Design In Engineering, Geotechnics Earthquake Engineering, Construction Materials, Properties and Testing, Reinforced Concrete Design, Advanced Soil Mechanics, Earth Dams and Related Problems.


MS., Geology, South Valley University, April 1998.

Thesis Topic: “Geology of the area around Wadi Abu Aqarib, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt”

MS. Course Curriculum: Geology Courses

Advanced Igneous Petrology, Advanced Metamorphic Petrology, Geochemistry of Hard Rocks, Mineralogy, Structural Geology, Applied Geology, Statistics and Computer

B.S., Geology, Assiut University, May 1992 (Excellent With Honor).



1.      Field trip in Southern Spain (Andalosiya region) to investigate different Geological and Environmental phenomena. With Granada University (Geography, Geodynamic, and Hydrogeology departments), Granada, Spain, January 20/2008 to February 1/2008.

2.      Staff Training Course in different topics of Environmental Impact Assessment at Department of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, Institute of GeoSciences, Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany August 1-31, 2007.

3.      Post-Doctorate “Developing a Geo-Environmental Information System for the Geo-Environmental Hazard, Egypt, Using Remote sensing and GIS” University of Missouri Rolla, USA, Geological Science and Engineering April 2007– June 2007.

4.      Remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems and their applications in environmental, land, and water resources at Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering, Vrije University Brussels, Belgium August 1-31, 2006.

5.      Advanced GIS, Fundamental and Advanced Remote Sensing, United State Geological Survey (USGS) from March 2003 to March 2004.

6.      AEG field trip September 2003 (Geological Engineering Problems in Colorado State, USA).

7.      Short course in Geotechnical Modeling using Flac program (Civil Engineering, University of Missouri Rolla, 2003).

8.      Rock Slope Stability course, Mining Engineering, University of Missouri Rolla 2003 with Dr. Priest (Dr. Priest is a well known faculty in slope stability and rock mechanics field; he has many published books as well as papers. UMR invited him for one semester to teach this course).

9.      Research Assistant at University of Missouri Rolla Dec. 2002 – August 2004.

10.  World Laboratory Scholarship (Switzerland) One-year Jan. 2001- Dec. 2002.

11.  Egyptian Government Scholarship Four years August 2000 – August 2004 (Ph. D. USA).



A. Demonstrator: South Valley University, Geology Department, Sohag, Egypt, Oct. 1992 to May 1998.

B. Teaching Assistant: South Valley University, Geology Department, Sohag, Egypt, May 1998 to July 2000.

C. Research Assistant: University of Missouri-Rolla, Geological Engineering, USA, Dec. 2002 to Aug., 2004.

D. Assistant Professor: Sohag University, Faculty of Science, Geology Department Egypt, Nov., 2004 – July 2008.

E. Consultant of geological Hazards and Geological Engineering at Saudi Geological Survey, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia August 2008 – present.



  1. UM Research Board, Mobile Vision System for Highway Rock cut Stability, 2001.
  2. MODOT, Development of a highway rock cut rating system for Missouri highways, 2003.
  3. Mechanical and physical properties of rocks – project with (Mining Department, UMR), 2003.
  4. MODOT, Development of a GIS database management system for Missouri Highways Rock cuts, August 2003- August 2004.
  5. Site investigation, characterization, and assessment for selection a suitable area for cement factory, Using GIS, Sohag Governorate, Egypt, 2006.
  6. Site investigation for selection a suitable landfill sites for Qena Governorate, Using GIS, Egypt, 2006.
  7. Groundwater exploration and well design in Upper Egypt and Red Sea areas, since 2004.
  8. Environmental Impact Assessment for the new Touristic area surrounds Nasser Lake, Using GIS, Upper Egypt 2007.
  9. Reconstructing the Geological History of the Egyptian Nile, with the Missouri University of Science and Technology, NSF Project. Award#0756393 – IRES.



  1. Swelling soil characterization of Qaseim Reiogon (Geological Engineering Department, Saudi Geological Survey).
  2. Engineering characterization of Karst El Na3eyreyah area (Geological Hazard department, Saudi Geological Survey).
  3. Fractures development in Najran Area, Their origin and impacts (Geological Hazard Department, Saudi Geological Survey).
  4. Sinkholes hazards in El Azizyzh area, Riyad, Saudia Arabia (Geological Hazard Department, Saudi Geological Survey).
  5. Flash flood hazard in Wadi Shaga (Geological Hazard Department, Saudi Geological Survey).
  6. Geological Engineering Mapping of Jazan city (Geological Engineering Department, Saudi Geological Survey).
  7. Slope Stability Hazard analysis in Raidaa Escarpment road (Geological Hazard Department, Saudi Geological Survey).
  8. Rock slope instability in Jazan Reigon (Geological Hazard Department, Saudi Geological Survey).
  9. Slope stability evaluation along As Sammah Escarpment road (Geological Hazard Department, Saudi Geological Survey).





A.    ARCGIS 9.3 ArcView 3.2a, Arc Pad 6.03(Mobile GIS), and Global Mapper.

B.     ENVI 4.5 and ERDAS 8.7 (Remote sensing programs), IL WIS 3.2 and Idrisi Andes 15.

C.     Mining programs; Phase 2, Slide, RocPlane, Swedge, Dips, RocLab.

D.    Rock mass classification, Rock fall analysis (CRSP), and RockSee

E.     RockWorks 2006, CrystalBall 7.2

F.      MS office, PowerPoint, Corel draws 11.0, and Surfer 8.0.

G.    Statistical programs (Statistica 7.0).



A.    Ability to integrate and function productively in a project teams.

B.     High verbal, reading writing and communication skills.

C.     Ability to excel under stressful conditions and meet set deadlines.



A.    Applied Geology and Environmental Geology courses for fourth year geology students (Geological/Environmental Engineering course on application of engineering theory in solving Geological/Environmental problems).

B.     Rock mechanics course for second year geology students.

C.     Fundamental and Advanced Geographic Information Systems course for third year geology students.

D.    Mineral logy and crystallography course for second year chemistry students.

E.     Application of Geographic Information Systems in geological and environmental engineering (Post Graduate).



a. Ali Mahdi MS. Graduate student, South Valley University: Thesis Title: "Application of Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems, and Magnetic Techniques at Gebel Al-Hadid Area, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt". Awarded 2007.

b. Sherif A. Abu El-Maged MS. Graduate student, Sohag University: Thesis Title: "Evaluation of the Aquifer Potentiality and land Suitability Map for Development in the Desert area Surrounding Sohag Governorate, Egypt; Using Geographic Information Systems". Awarded 2008.

c. Shaymaa M. Rezk MS. Graduate student, Sohag University: Thesis Title: "Evaluation of Water Quality in the Flood Plain Area, Sohag Governorate"; Environmental Geochemistry. Under-preparation.

d. Ahmed M. Masoud MS. Graduate student, Sohag University: Thesis Title: "Assessment of the Geo-Environmental Resources Surround the New Proposed Highway from Sohag TO Aswan Governorates, Egypt; Using GIS". Under-preparation.

e. Sherihan Mahmoud MS. Graduate student, Sohag University: Thesis Title: "Building a geo-environmental database for Sohag governorates, Egypt; Using RS and GIS". Under-preparation.




1.                  First International Conference on Environmental Studies & Research, 7 – 9., April, 2008, Minufiya University, EGYPT.

2.                  9th International Conference on the Geology of the Arab World "GAW9", 24 – 27., March, 2008, Cairo, EGYPT.

3.                  The Third International Conference on the Geology of the Tethys, 8 – 11 January, 2008, Aswan, EGYPT


4.                  Fifth International Conference on the Geology of Africa, Oct. 2007, Assiut, Egypt.

5.                  The Second International Conference on the Geology of the Tethys, 19 – 23 March, 2007, Cairo, Egypt.

6.                  The 10th International Mining, Petroleum, and Metallurgical Engineering Conference March 6 – 8, 2007, Assiut, Egypt.


7.                  The International Conference of development and urbanization, 20–21 December, 2006, Alexandria, Egypt.

8.                  The Sixth International Conference on Earth Observation and Geoinformation Sciences in Support of Africa’s Development, 30 October – 2 November, 2006, Cairo, Egypt..

9.                  The Third International Conference of Environment and Development in the Arab World 2006, Assiut, Egypt.

10.              6th international conference on the Geology of the Middle East, March 20-23, 2006, Al AIN University, United Arab Emirates.


11.              The Fourth International Conference on the Geology of Africa, NOV. 2005, Assiut, Egypt.

12.              Symposium on Development and Environment in the Egyptian Deserts, April 5, 2005, Cairo, Egypt.

13.              16th Symposium on Quaternary Geology and Development in Egypt, April 2nd, 2005, Mansoura, Egypt.


14.              AEG 47th Annual Meeting, Sept. 26-Oct. 2, 2004, Dearborn, Michigan, USA.

15.              55th Highway Geology Symposium, Sep. 7-10, 2004, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

16.              Transportation Engineers Association of Missouri 94th Annual Conference, April 1st, 2004, Branson, Missouri, USA.


17.              54th Highway Geology Symposium, Sep. 24-26, 2003, Burlington, Vermont, USA.

18.              AEG 46th Annual Meeting, Sept. 15-21, 2003, Vail, Colorado, USA.

19.              Transportation Research Board, 82nd Annual Meeting, Jan. 12-16, 2003, Washington, D.C., USA.


20.              AEG 45th Annual Meeting, Sept. 23-29, 2002, Reno, Nevada, USA.



A. Under Press and review:

1.      Youssef, A. M., and Maerz, N. H., 2007: Development, Justification and verification of A Rock Fall Hazard Rating System (MORFH RS) and Prediction for the best remediation techniques. Submitted to Engineering Geology Journal.

2.      Youssef, A. M.; Zaghloul, E. A.; Moussa, M. F.; and Mahdi, A. M., 2007: Lithological mapping using Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+), Central Eastern Desert, Egypt: Case study: Area surround Gabal Al Haded: Submitted to Egypt J. Remote Sensing & Space Sci., (2007).

3.      Youssef, A. M.; Omer, A. A.; Ibrahim, M. S.; Ali, M. H.; and Cawlfield, J. D. 2009: Geotechnical Investigation of Sewage Wastewater Disposal Sites and Use of GIS Landuse Maps to Assess Environmental Hazards: Sohag, Upper Egypt: Submitted to Arabian Journal of Geosciences.

B. Refereed Journals, Symposium, and Conferences Proceedings:

1.      Ahmed M. Youssef, Biswajeet Pradhan, Ahmed F. D. Gaber, Manfred F. Buchroithner, 2009: Geomorphological Hazards Analysis along The Egyptian Red Sea Coast between Safaga and Quseir. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS) (minor revisions).

2.      Youssef, A. M., and Maerz, N. H., 2009: Remote sensing applications to geological problems in Egypt: Case study, slope instability investigation, Sharm El-Sheikh / Ras-Nasrani Area, Southern Sinai. Submitted to Journal of Landslides Springer-Japan (Accepted with minor corrections).

3.      Youssef, A. M., 2009: Mapping the Mega Paleodrainage Basin using Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), Eastern Sahara, and its impact on the new development projects in Southern Egypt. Geo-spatial Information Science (GSIS) Journal. 2009. (Accepted)

4.      Youssef, A. M., and Maerz, N. H., 2009: Slope stability hazard assessment and mitigation methodology along eastern desert Aswan-Cairo highway, Egypt. King Abdelaziz University Geological Engineering Journal (Accepted).

5.      Youssef, A. M., Abdallah M. Hassan, and Abdel Aziz A. El-Haddad, 2009: Mapping of Pre-rift/Syn-rift sedimentary units using Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+): Southwestern Sinai Peninsula, (Sidri – Feiran area), Egypt. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing. (Accepted).

6.      Youssef, A. M., Asran M. Hassan, and Mohamed Abd El Moneim Mohamed, 2009: Integration of remote sensing data with the field and laboratory investigation for lithological mapping of granitic phases: Kadabora pluton, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, (2009) Vol. 2, No. 1, 69 -82, doi: 10.1007/s12517-008-0020-2.


7.      Youssef, A. M. and Tarabees, E., 2008: Preliminary Hazard Assessments by Integrating Geophysical and Other Data Sources, NW Gulf of Suez, Egypt: A GIS Multicriteria Approach. The Icfai University Journal of Earth Sciences, India. October, 2008, # IJErS20810.

8.      El-Haddad. A. A; and Youssef, A. M.: Overview of the potential geo-environmental hazards in the low desert zone, Egypt; Case study: new projects west of El-Kawamel village, Sohag, Egypt. Assiut University Journal Of Geology, 37(2), P-P. - (2008).

9.      Youssef, A. M.,: An Enhanced Remote Sensing Procedure For Material Mapping In The Western Desert Of Egypt: A Tool for Managing Urban Development. Natural Resources Research, (2008) Vol. 17, No. 4, 215-226, doi: 10.1007/s11053-008-9080-y.

10.  Youssef, A. M.,: Mapping the Pliocene Clay Deposits using Remote Sensing and its impact on the urbanization developments in Egypt: Case study, East Sohag areaGeotechnical & Geological Engineering (2008) 26:579-591, doi: 10.1007/s10706-008-9191-6.

11.  Abdelsalam, M. G.; Youssef, A. M.; Arafat, S. M.; and Alfarhan, M.: The Rise and Demise of the New Lakes of Sahara. Geosphere; April 2008; v. 4; no. 2; p. 375–386, doi: 10.1130/GES00142.1.

12.  Youssef, A. M., and El- Baroudy, A.: Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques for Assessment the Environmental Changes In The Area Surrounding Suez Canal, Egypt. Egypt. J. Remote Sensing & Space Sci., v.11. PP. 43-56 (2008).


13.  Youssef, A. M.; and Ghallab, A.: Using Remotely sensed data, GIS, and field investigation for preliminary considerations of sustainable development: West Qena area, Egypt: Assiut University Bulletin for Environmental Researches, v. 10, NO. 2, pp, 31-46 (Oct. 2007).

14.  Youssef, A. M., and Hegab, M. A.: Investigation of new proposed Sohag-Hurghada highway across the Egyptian Eastern Desert using Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing techniquesEgypt J. Remote Sensing & Space Sci., v.10, pp, 3-20 (2007).

15.  Youssef, A. M., Maerz, N. H., and Qinfang, X.: Rocksee: Video image measurements of physical features to aid in highway rock cut characterization. Computers & Geosciences 33 (2007) 437–444. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2006.08.005.

16.  Tarabees, E. A., and Youssef, A. M.: Geotechnical Hazard Assessment using Geophysical and Geographic Information Systems techniques. Second International Conference on the Geology of the Tethys, Cairo University, March, 2007, P. 691-699.

17.  Youssef, A. M.: Quantifying the expansive properties and distribution of Pliocene clay in East Sohag area and its impact on the recent and future development. The 10th International Mining, Petroleum, and Metallurgical Engineering Conference, Mining, Code No. M 1, pp. 1-14, March, 2007, Assiut, Egypt.


18.  Youssef, A. M; El-Haddad. A. A; and Abdel Moneim A. A.: Geo-development opportunities surrounding the new proposed road between Sohag- El-Wadi El-Geded. The International Conference of development and urbanization, (pp. 1-15), December, 2006, Alexandria, Egypt.

19.  Youssef, A. M.; Zaghloul, E. A.; Moussa, M. F.; and Mahdi, A. M.,: Geological structures extraction from remotely sensing data using different techniques and their implementation in mineral exploration and tectonic situation: The Sixth International Conference on Earth Observation and Geoinformation Sciences in Support of Africa’s Development, (pp. 1-9 ISBN 1-920-01710-0. No.271), October, 2006, Cairo, Egypt.

20.  Youssef, A. M., and Abdel Moneim, A.A.: Evaluation of the Geo-Environmental hazard in relation to the future development using Geographic Information Systems, East Sohag area, Egypt. The Third International Conference of Environment and Development in the Arab World, Vol. (1), pp 673-692, March, 2006, Assiut, Egypt.


21.  Maerz, N. H., Youssef, A. M., and Fennessey, T. W.: New risk-consequence rock fall hazard rating system for Missouri highways using digital image analysisEnvironmental & Engineering Geosciences, Vol. XI, No. 3, 2005, pp. 229-249. doi: 10.2113/11.3.229.

22.  Youssef, A. M., Abdel Moneim, A.A., and Abu El-Maged S. A.: Flood hazard assessment and its associated problems using geographic information systems, Sohag Governorate, Egypt. The Fourth International Conference on the Geology of Africa, Vol. (1), pp. 1-17, Nov. 2005, Assiut, Egypt.

23.  Youssef, A. M., and Hegab, M.A.: Using geographic information systems and statistics for developing a database management system of the flood hazard for Ras Gharib area, Eastern Desert, Egypt. The Fourth International Conference on the Geology of Africa, Vol. (2), pp 1-15, Nov. 2005, Assiut, Egypt.

24.  Dahy, A. F. and Youssef, A. M.: Assessment and analysis of the geomorphological hazards in the area between Safaga and Quseir using geographic information systems (GIS). Symposium on Development and Environment in the Egyptian Deserts, pp (308-328), Cairo, Egypt, April 5, 2005.


25.  Maerz, N. H., Youssef, A. M., and Lauer, R.: MORFH RS: A rockcut rating system for Missouri highways. 55th Highway Geology Symposium, Kansas City, Missouri, Sep. 7-10, 2004, pp 406-424.

26.  Youssef, A. M., Maerz, N. H., and, Fritz, M. A.: A risk-consequence rockfall hazard rating system for Missouri highways. 54th Highway Geology Symposium, Burlington, Vermont, Sep. 24-26, 2003, pp 175-195.

27.  Maerz, N. H., Youssef, A. M., and Xiang, Q.: Digital imaging for screening and making measurements of features on highway rock cuts. Transportation Research Board, 82nd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., Jan. 12-16, 2003, 20 pp.

C. Abstracts, Posters, and Invited Presentations:

1.      Ahmed M. Youssef, 2008: Mapping the Mega Paleodrainage Basin using Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), Eastern Sahara, and its impact on the new development projects in Southern Egypt. First International Conference on Environmental Studies & Research, 7 – 9., April, 2008, Minufiya University, EGYPT.

2.      Ahmed M. Youssef and Abdallah M. Hassan, 2008: Safety assessment of Feiran - Katherine road in the Southern Sinai against Flash flood hazards using GIS and Satellite Imagery. 9th International Conference on the Geology of the Arab World "GAW9", 24 – 27., March, 2008, Cairo, EGYPT.

3.      Ahmed M. Youssef, 2008: Enhanced remote sensing procedure for material mapping in the western desert of Egypt: Implication for urban development. 9th International Conference on the Geology of the Arab World "GAW9", 24 – 27., March, 2008, Cairo, EGYPT.

4.      Ahmed M. Youssef, Abdallah M. Hassan, and Abdel Aziz A. El-Haddad, 2008: Mapping of Pre-rift/Syn-rift sedimentary units using Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+): Southwestern Sinai Peninsula, (Sidri – Feiran area), Egypt. The Third International Conference on the Geology of the Tethys, 8 – 11 January, 2008, Aswan, EGYPT. (inpress).

5.      Abdelsalam, M. G.; Youssef, A. M.; Arafat, S. M.; and Alfarhan, M. 2007: The Rise and Demise of the New Lakes of Sahara. Geological Society of America (GSA), Denver Annual Meeting (28–31 October 2007).

6.      Youssef, A. M.; Abdelsalam, M. G.; Arafat, S. M.; and Alfarhan, M. 2007: Geomorphological and Geological Controls on the New Lakes of Sahara and their impacts on the Nubian Aquifer System, Southern Egypt. Fifth International Conference on the Geology of Africa Assiut Oct. 2007.

7.      Youssef, A. M. and Tarabees, E., 2007: Preliminary hazard assessments by integrating geophysical and other different data sources, NW Gulf of Suez, Egypt: A GIS Multi-criteria Approach. The Second International Conference on the Geology of the Tethys, 19 – 23 March, 2007, Cairo, EGYPT.

8.      Youssef, A. M., and Omer, A.A., 2006: Impact of geographical information systems on geological, geomorphological, and environmental engineering in Egypt. 6th international conference on the Geology of the Middle East, UAE, Al AIN University, March 20-23, 2006.

9.      El-Haddad. A.A; El-Shater, A.A; Youssef, A. M; and Abdel Moneim A.A. 2005. New occurrence of Post Eocene gravel west of Sohag area; Geological significance and its suitability for different applications. The Fourth International Conference on the Geology of Africa (Nov. 2005) Assiut –Egypt (Poster).

10.  Omer, A.A.; Youssef, A. M.; Ibrahim, M.S.; Ali, M.H. 2005: Investigation of the sewage wastewater disposal sites and assessment of their environmental hazards, Sohag, Upper Egypt. 16th Symposium on Quaternary Geology and Development in Egypt, Mansoura, April 2nd, 2005.

11.  Maerz, N. H., Youssef, A. M., and Lauer, R., 2004: MORFH RS: A rockcut rating system for Missouri highways. AEG 47th Annual Meeting, Dearborn, Michigan, Sept. 26-Oct. 2, 2004.

12.  Maerz, N.H., and Youssef, A. M., 2004: Development of a Highway Rock Cut Rating System (MORFH RS) For Missouri Highways. Transportation Engineers Association of Missouri 94th Annual Conference, April 1st, 2004, Branson, Missouri.

13.  Maerz, N. H., and Youssef, A. M., 2003: Risk-consequence hazard rating system for Missouri highway rock cuts. AEG 46th Annual Meeting, Vail, Colorado, Sept. 15-21, 2003.

14.  Maerz, N. H., Youssef, A. M., and Xiang, Q., 2002: Mobile vision system for screening and evaluation of highway rock cut stability problems.   AEG 45th Annual Meeting, Reno, NV, Sept. 23-29, 2002.