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Joe Dirty aka Hades

Personal Information
Real Name: Joe Boucher
E-mail Address:
AIM/AOL: scitlez23
Yahoo Messenger: o0hades11230o
Sex: Male
Present Location: Waterbury, Connecticut
Birthplace: Waterbury, Connecticut
Birthday: November 23, 1983
Age: 19
Martial Status: Interested.
A Quote: "Too raw to be ill." - Joe Dirty aka Hades

Artist Information
Present Alias: Joe Dirty
Past Alias: Hades
Which format of a track are you into?: I'm into all types, favorites are punchline tracks/battles. emotion, story telling, and dropping knowledge.
How many overall tracks have you recorded?: I'd say over twenty.
How many years have you been doing this?: Writing for four years and recording for only one so far.
What type of Emcee/Artist are you?: Many types, it honestly depends on how I'm feeling at that certain time.
Sample Audio: None submitted.
Sample Lyrics: None submitted.
Music Page Link:

Random Information (Straight from the Artist)
Do you love this form of Art?: Yes, I love it. It's one of the only Cultures that lets you express your feelings at that certain time in more than one form.
Why have you chosen THIS Record Label?: Alexander Hornby told me about it and I had gotten really interested.
Will you be honest with us at all times?: Yes, I'm not a fake person.
What will you do for us, in return for us selling your material and working for YOU?: I'll get your name out as a label and won't turn my back on you.

Additional Information
Interview with Joe Dirty aka Hades (Coming Soon)
Biography of Joe Dirty aka Hades (Coming Soon)
Upcoming Albums/Singles Page

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