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Life is full of ups and downs...mine consists mainly of speed bumps and escalators.

Site Introduction
Welcome to Double Y's Personal Web Site. The page is a little plain, because I'm no Web Page designing master (all of my scripting is self-taught). I am, however, obsessed with making constant improvements to the page. So if you have any comments or suggestions, please let me know.
Thought of the Day

04 / 12 / 12

I can't believe I haven't updated this garbage since July. That's over 6 months. I started my new job at Pronk & Associates on Nov 10, so I've actually been there for over a month. My how time flies.

04 / 07 / 04

Updating my web site is really, REALLY time-consuming.

04 / 01 / 01

Happy New Year everybody. Caught the stomach flu so had to spend the entire New Year's Eve and Day at home in fear of soiling my pants if I were to go out.

03 / 04 / 06

Today actually marks the day that my 3-month probation period at TransAsia Airways is over. I started on the 6th of January and it's now the 6th of April. To be honest, I didn't think I'd last this long....:P

03 / 01 / 06

I started my first day at TransAsia. It was boring. Complete details in My Thoughts.

02 / 12 / 26

I've got job!!! TransAsia Airways just called with a job offer. While the pay's absolutely pathetic, it's an administrative position, with financial responsibilities, which will help me get to where I want to go. But my ultimate goal remains to do Finance for P&G.

02 / 09 / 04

Just been rejected for another job. Performing self-introspection and analysis regarding why. I'm seriously feeling like I need to improve on my interviewing skils. I'll post up the results in My Thoughts at a later date.

02 / 05 / 22

Added my comments on the camping trip (May 18 - 20) into My Thoughts. Family situation's rapidly deteriorating and these are my comments about the relationship.

02 / 05 / 15

Here's something that all of us knows, but few are willing to address or admit. Ever notice how whenever we want to do something for which we know people will disapprove, we come up with alternate reasons or excuses to justify our behaviour. Complete details in My Thoughts.

02 / 05 / 05

Just finished reading 1984 (George Orwell) two days ago and in the process of reading Brave New World (Aldonus Huxley). I've go so much to say on the two books, but since I don't have convenient online access anymore, they'll have to wait until when I get my Internet connection back. In the meantime, I'm thinking of adding a new section to My Profile called "My Rants" where I'll be putting my comments, critiques, and opinions on the various things that I've seen or read or heard (such as movies, television, radio, books, etc). My comments on 1984 and Brave New World would then fall into that section.

02 / 04 / 17

"Racial issues won't be history until blacks and whites stop defining themselves as blacks and whites...." Johanna Schneller, Globe and Mail, March 29, 2002.
I've always believed this but never got around to commenting on it. But upon reading her comments, I figured it's time I write it down. Complete details under My Thoughts.

02 / 03 / 14

Being open-minded is not the same as being agreeable or being without an opinion. Rather, it is willing to admit to being mistaken in light of contrary or better arguments for a different or conflicting disposition. Details under My Thoughts.

02 / 03 / 13

Don't be afraid to flatter people you think already get enough flattery. If they get a lot of flattery, they need a lot of flattery.

02 / 03 / 12

Tell a secret. This suggests you like and trust the person.

02 / 02 / 19

"Death is harder on the living than on the deceased."
Yeah, I know...the preceeding quote is kinda sombre and depressing. Nonetheless, it feels appropriate at this time. Why do I wanna put this here? I don't really want to explain. But let's just say to enjoy life while you have it, but at the same time make it productive and worthwhile.

SITE MAP - This web site is split into seven sections right now. The following is a description of each section:

PROFILE - My personal profile (i.e. my 411) including my profile, my LiveJournal, my Ultimate E-mail Survey, my thoughts, and my favourite quotes. My thoughts contains my attitude about daily life; some of it is in Chinese, however, since I jot it down in whatever language I feel more adequately conveys the idea. Profile
Friends FRIENDS - Profiles of my some of my HTML illiterate friends. I'm helping them out since they don't know how to create their own web pages. If anyone likes what they see here, you can contact me for further info....=P
PHOTOS - A bunch of pictures. I can't remember how many anymore. Probably over fifty by now. Photos
Creations CREATIONS - Some of my works over the years. It currently consists of my artwork, my essays, and my poems.
SPECIAL - Stuff I find amusing but don't know where to put it. Some I found on other people's web pages, a few are stories that I find sentimental or touching or humourous. All are well written in my opinion. I'm considering uploading my favourite MP3s or simple games. Special
Guestbook GUESTBOOK - Guestbook. 'Nuff said.
LINKS - Some of my favourite links. It's currently split into Friends, MP3 sites, and sites that contain FREE stuff that I find useful to download. Links
Most Recent Updates

04 / 12 / 12

As I've stated early and often, I do constant updates on My Thoughts, My Rants, and My Journal. However, I don't always ackowledge them on this page. Go check them up if you give a damn about what I'm thinking or doing on a more consistent basis. I will try to post pictures, but I'm thinking of moving them all to an online photo album. Got any suggestions?

04 / 07 / 04

Photos of my trip to Montreal from May have now been uploaded.

04 / 01 / 01

Updated My Journal and My Thoughts and changed the colour scheme of the two pages.

03 / 04 / 13

Updated My Journal, My Thoughts, and My Rants once again. Thoughts is in regards to living standards in TW and Rants is more info on the scams in Taiwan these days.

03 / 04 / 06

I've actually been doing quite a bit of updating to my Journal, my Thoughts, and my Rants, but have just been too busy to acknowledge them on this home page.

03 / 01 / 26

Finally added the link to my AsianAvenue under My Profiles. The page contains some of my more "creative" endeavours.

03 / 01 / 23

Added a new entry to my Rants regarding Love and Relationships. Interesting stuff.

03 / 01 / 06

Actually, I've been updating My Journal a lot lately. And I've merged the Chinese and English journals since maintaining the two of them is too much work. I've also moved everything on My Thoughts to Xanga. It was too much hassle writing out HTML scripts every time I wanted to update. From now on, I'll record what I'm thinking in Xanga, what I'm doing in LiveJournal, and everything else under My Rants. If you want more edgy, critical stuff, be sure to check that out (when I actually update it, that is).

02 / 12 / 29

Added some more entries in my LiveJournal. Also debuted a new page, "My Rants" under "My Profiles". My Rants will include my reviews on various topics of interest, including films, news, social event, etc. Go check it out if you're interested.

02 / 11 / 14

I've been forced to change my ICQ # because ICQ deleted my old account for lack of use. The new number is now 174835697.

02 / 08 / 01

After months of professing to be going, I have finally made my way to Taiwan. Looks like I'll be here in the foreseeable future. Hopefully, my English language capabilities will not rapidly deteriorate in this foreign, non-English-speaking locale. At the same time, without my own computer, consistent updates will also be improbable. Nonetheless, I hope to find work soon that is somewhat commensurate with my education so I can began partying!!!

02 / 05 / 27

I've lost my Internet access at home. That means no consistent updates will be possible for the next little while. I'm such a sad little boy....=***(

02 / 05 / 21

Added a new entry to My Thoughts. Will add an update to my online journal later on when I have time regarding the details of my camping trip from Saturday to Monday.

02 / 05 / 05

Got a temp job for approximately the next couple of weeks. So gonna be somewhat temporarily too busy to do updates. However, this is good savings for the Double Y New Computer and Internet Access Fund. For information on how you can contribute and donate to the fund, please contact me at any of my e-mails or IM addresses. Sorry, unfortunately, donations made to this fund are not recognized by Revenue Canada as a legitimate tax expense.

02 / 05 / 05

Crappers. I have officially lost my Internet access at home. Long story, but the gist of it is that the person from whom I borrow my computer and Internet time has moved out. I can't afford cable, but if I get dial-up, my brother pretty's anal about things and often disconnect the phone or hog it in order to prevent me from connecting to the Internet. Thus, in the foreseeable future, I'll have no Internet access. For now I'm reduced to Internet access at public terminals (such as the library). Hopefully this unfortunate situation can be rectified in less than a month.

This page best viewed while intoxicated.