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I am your reality check. I am the straw that stirs your drink! I am the hand that rocks the cradle! I AM DOUBLE Y!

Double Y's Web Page

Site Introduction

Welcome to Double Y's Personal Web Page. The page is a little plain, because I'm no Web Page designing master (all of my scripting is self-taught). I am, however, obsessed with making constant improvements to the page. So if you have any comments or suggestions, please let me know.
This web site is split into eight sections right now. The following is a description of each section:

Updates - This links to my LiveJournal. The journal is split into two parts, one introduces changes on the web site, while the other updates my current life. My mood is also reflected.

Profile - My personal profile (i.e. my 411) including my profile, my Ultimate E-mail Survey, my thoughts, and my favourite quotes. My thoughts contains my attitude about daily life; some of it is in Chinese, however, since I jot it down in whatever language I feel more adequately conveys the idea.

Friends - Profiles of my some of my HTML illiterate friends. I'm helping them out since they don't know how to create their own web pages. If anyone likes what they see here, you can contact me for further info....=P

Photos - A bunch of pictures. I can't remember how many anymore. Probably over fifty by now.

Creations - Some of my works over the years. It currently consists of my artwork, my essays, and my poems.

Special - Stuff I find amusing but don't know where to put it. Some I found on other people's web pages, a few are stories that I find sentimental or touching or humourous. All are well written in my opinion. I'm considering uploading my favourite MP3s or simple games.

Guestbook - Guestbook. 'Nuff said.

Links - Some of my favourite links. It's currently split into Friends, MP3 sites, and sites that contain FREE stuff that I find useful to download.
Thought of the Day

01 / 11 / 16

Why do ppl like to argue over trivial matters? Why do they look for trouble where none existed before? Is it really that much fun to look for a fight all day? Complete details in my Thoughts and my Journal.

01 / 11 / 15

Added my thouughts on pride. Basically divided into internal and external. Look in my Thoughts section.

01 / 10 / 15

"It's better to leave two years too early rather than two minutes too late." - Paul Godfrey, CEO Sun Media Corp.

01 / 07 / 25

Feeling's changed, so music's changed. This time it's Chou Hue's 「好想好好愛你」.

01 / 06 / 25

Am I too much of a softie? Ever wonder why I don't put any of my photos or my personal bio (my 411) on my main page? Discussion and answer in "My Thoughts" under my "Profile" section.

01 / 06 / 18

Does it ever annoy anyone when their screen names get taken? Click on "Thoughts" under "Profiles" to read my rant.

Most Recent Updates

01 / 11 / 16

Gonna try and write out a bunch more descriptions for the photos. This has also been updated, and I'll also be adding to the My Thoughts section as a tie-in to yesterday's incident. Finally, I've already got a lot of new photos scanned, but I didn't want to put them in until I've finished most of the descriptions in the Photos section. I'm so behind on updates....

01 / 09 / 20

I've put up my essay. It's about how the differences in a culture's fables and legends affects the culture and the way we think when we grow up.

01 / 09 / 18

Gee...haven't updated my crap in over two case anyone ever checks and actually cares, I finally found a copy of my essay on the influence of liturature on the cultural difference between Chinese and Caucasians. It'll be up in a couple of days at the latest...I promise....=P

01 / 07 / 07

Added one of my stories to the Works section. It's a satire. Also split up My Thoughts in the Profile section into My Thoughts and My Quotes.

01 / 06 / 27

I got injured today! See my livejournal in Updates for details! I also got rid of all the glows on my texts both from my intro page and from my main page because one person complained that glowing texts were causing problems for his/her Internet connection.

01 / 06 / 22

The past week has seen many changes. The following has changed:
* Main Page - facelift
* Updates - moved to LiveJournal
* Profiles - changed profile, added survey, added thoughts
* Creations - changed and added to Poems
* Special - added a bunch of new and what I consider really good stuff

The essay in Special regarding the English language is highly recommended for anyone who has ever had to learn English as a second language.

This page best viewed while intoxicated.