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Deadly Creatures.
There are many unusual and fearsome animals to be found in nature, but among the most terrifying are the venomous ones. Among these creatures is the Spiny Zebrafish, the fanged Black Widow and King Cobra, the stinging scorpion, the Gila monster with it's vice like jaws, the blue ringed octopus with it's razor sharp beak. Each of these creatures produces a poison so powerful that it can kill a human. Normally they do not bite or sting humans unless provoked or attacked. In fact, humans are likely to be more terrifying to them than they are to humans, and deadly as they are, each of these fascinating creatures plays a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of all life on this planet.

The Black Widow.   

Fact 1: To catch their prey, Black Widows spin a web of sticky thread using spinnerettes on the backs of their bodies. The silk is a liquid while it is stored inside the spiders body and set into solid silk threads as it is squeezed out of the spinnerettes.

Fact 2: Once an insect is bitten, the Black Widow wraps it in silk from the spinnerettes to prevent any chance of escape.

Fact 3: The Black Widows gruesome name comes from the fact that the female may eat the male partner after the mating. This meal gives her extra protein to help make her eggs.

The Scorpion

Fact 1: Scorpions hunt night they catch insects or spiders with their pincers, tear them apart and eat them. If the victim is brave enough to fight back the scorpion curls it's tail and delivers a fatal sting. This deadly beast (see picture) is an African thick tailed Scorpion.

Fact 2: One of the largest scorpions, the giant asian scorpion grows to 18 centimetres while other scorpions are no longer than 2.5 centimetres.

Fact 3: Female scorpions to live babies that are protected by a thin skin they escape by breaking the skin with their pincers.

For more deadly creatures go to Page 2