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Camp songs Yeah
My Favorite Camp Songs
If anyone has any they want me to add just send me an email at

Green Trees and Taps        Canadian Taps        On the Loose      I Know A Place      Celebrate Together      

Happiness Runs in a Circular Motion       The Hills       Edelweiss       I'm Going Back       Boatman       

The Grand Old Duke York         London Town is Burning Down        Return to Pooh Corner       One Last Song

Catch the Wind      Barges      The Circle Game        Call John The Boatman      Red Balloon      

It Could Come to You Again     Sailors Song 2001        Song of the Soul

Green Trees and Taps

Green trees around us
Blue skies above
friends all around us
in a world filled w/ love

taps sounding softly
hearts beating true
as we all say
Goodnight to you

Day is done
Gone the sun
From the lakes
From the hills
From the sky
All is well
Safely rest
god is nigh

Canadian Taps

Come all, say goodnight
while the shadows
still cling, to the edge of the night
with each burning, dying ember
there are friendships, to remember
as we say
one last goodnight

On The Loose

have you ever watched the sunset
turn the sky completely red?
have you slept beneath the moon and stars
a pine grove for you're bed?
Have you sat and talked w/ friends
though a word is never said?
then your just like me and have been on the loose

On the loose to climb a mountain
on the loose where I am free
on the loose to live my life
 the way I think my life should be
For I've only got a moment and the whole world left to see
I'll be looking for tomorrow on the loose

There's a trail that I'll be hiking
just to see where it might go
many places yet to visit
many people yet to know
for in following my dreams
I will live and I will grow
In a world that waiting out there on the loose

So in a search of love and laughter
I am traveling cross this land
never sure of where I'm going
For i haven't any plans
And in time when you are ready
come and join me and take my hand
And together we will share life on the loose

I Know a Place

I know a place where no one ever goes
There's peace and quiet beauty and repose
It's hidden in a valley, besides a mountain stream
And sitting there besides the stream I feel that I can dream
Only of things of beauty to the eye
Snow peaked mountains towering to the sky
Now I know that God has made this world for me

One can imagine herself as in a dream
climbing a mountain or down a small ravine
The magic of this peace and quiet always shall stay
to make this place a haven each and every day
Oh how I wish I never had to leave
and all my life such beauty to receive
Now I know that god has made this world for me

Sitting alone besides that mountain stream
I thank god for the magic of my dream
the friendships that were made here, the joys that are mince
A chance for love and sharing underneath the pine
white clouds on high and blue skies above
oh may I always live the life I love
now I know that God ahs made this world for me

Celebrate Together

if I touch one someone w/ my song
Somewhere in this whole world round
And that someone starts to sing along
That would be the sweetest sound
And if I make a little magic w/ my hands
In something that I write or say
Then I know my message is bound to be heard
And I'll give something to this world in my own way

Just a spark of inspiration
lights a fire deep inside
I'll use my imagination
to create my work w/ pride

And celebrate the girl inside of me
celebrate the woman I will be
I'll sing out my own melody
when we celebrate, celebrate together

There's a world of wonders to explore
And I hear it calling out to me
Now I'm getting ready to open the door
And make my way and see what I can see

I'll fly the sky and sail the ocean
Climb the mountain to the top
now my life is set in motion
here I go no one will stop me

And I'll celebrate the girl inside of me
Celebrate the woman I will be
I'll sing out my own melody
When we celebrate, Celebrate together

Standing in a circle with my sisters
Arm in Arm w/ friends
Girl scouts together united
I pledge once again

And I'll celebrate the girl inside of me
Celebrate the woman I will be
I'll sing out my own melody
When we celebrate, Celebrate together

Happiness Runs in a Circular Motion

happiness runs in a circular motion
love is like a little boat on the sea
Everyone is a part of everything anyway
You can be happy if you let yourself be

The Hills

The hills and their glorious height
surround us by day and by night
Sing praise to the hills


Edelweiss Edelweiss
Every morning you great me
small and white
soft and bright
you look happy to see me

Blossoms of snow
May you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Edelweiss Edelweiss
bless my homeland forever

I'm Going Back

I'm going back where the Earth meets the sky
Where there's no yesterday and there no by and by
with the moon and the stars always watching over me
I'm as lonesome as a mountain I'm as wild as the sea

the wind whispers secrets into the ears of night
as the waves break gently on sands of dusty white
But I never knew all the beauty it could hold
Till I saw a sunset of crimson blue and gold

I'm going back where the Earth meets the sky
Where there's no yesterday and there no by and by
with the moon and the stars always watching over me
I'm as lonesome as a mountain I'm as wild as the sea

There's beauty all around in a sparkling dancing stream
And the morning mist leaves you walking in a dream
But the sounds of peace keep calling back to me
to come back to this land so beautiful and free

I'm going back where the Earth meets the sky
Where there's no yesterday and there no by and by
with the moon and the stars always watching over me
I'm as lonesome as a mountain I'm as wild as the sea

I'm as lonesome as a mountain I'm as wild as the sea


Boatman dance and the Boatman sing
The Boatman he do everything
Whenever the Boatman come on the shore
He spends all his money and he works for more

hi ho the boatman go 
up and down the river on the O-Hi-O
hi ho the boatman go
up and down the river on the O-Hi-O

Have you ever seen where the boatman lives 
In a house in a hollow with a roof like a sieve
The boatman said if he had one wish
If it got any wetter he would be a fish

hi ho the boatman go 
up and down the river on the O-Hi-O
hi ho the boatman go
up and down the river on the O-Hi-O

The Grand Old Duke of York

The Grand Old Duke of York
he had 10,000 men 
he marched them up to the top of the hill 
then he marched them down again
And when you're up you're up
and when you're down you're down
And when you're only halfway up 
you're neither up nor down

London Town is Burning Down

London town is burning down
goodbye goodbye
Burning down to the ground
goodbye Liza-Jane
Ain't ya mighty sorry
Goodbye goodbye
Ain't ya mighty sorry
Goodbye Liza-Jane

Return To Pooh Corner- Kenny Loggins

Christopher Robin and I walked along
Under branches lit up by the moon
Posing our questions to Owl and Eeyore
As our days disappeared all too soon
But I've wandered much further today than I should
And I can't seem to find ,my way back to the wood

So help me if you can 
I've got to get back 
to the house at Pooh Corner by 1
You'd be surprised
there's so much to be done
count all the bees in the hive
Chase all the clouds from the sky
back to the days of Christopher Robin and Pooh

Winnie the Pooh doesn't know what to do 
Got a honey jar stuck to his nose
He came to me asking help and advice
And form here no one knows where to go
So I sent him to ask of the owl if he's there
How to loosen a jar from the nose of a bear


It's hard to explain how a few precious things
Seem to follow throughout all our lives
After all is said and done I was watching my son
Sleeping there w/ my bear by his side
So I tucked him in, kissed him and as I was going
I swear that the old bear whispered 'boy welcome home'

Believe me if you can 
I've finally come back to the
House at Pooh Corner by one
What do you know there's so much to be done
count all the bees in the hive
Chase all the clouds from the sky
Back to the days of Christopher Robin
Back to the ways of Christopher Robin
back to the days of Pooh

One Last Song

There's one last song I want to sing before I leave you
One last song to show how much we have shared
A smile a tear have brought us closer together
Each of us leaves a part of our hearts here

Time passes by you know it goes too quickly
Seems like we just arrived and it's time to go
So take all that we have shared together
Kindle it gently in your heart till it grows

The roads we take may not always be easy
They may take time, patience and care
You know you'll always have a friend you can turn to
If that road gets too tough to bear

There's one last song I want to sing before I leave you
One last song to show how much we have shared
A smile a tear have brought us closer together
Each of us leaves a part of our hearts here

Catch the Wind

In the chilly hours and minutes
of uncertainty I want to be
In the warm part of your loving mind
To feel you all around me
and to take your hand
along the sand
Ah but I may as well try and catch the wind.

When the sundown pales the sky I want to
hide awhile behind your smile
everywhere I look your eyes I find
For me to love you now would be the sweetest thing
t'woud make me sing
Ah but I may as well try and catch the wind.

When the rain has hung the leaves with tears
I want you near to kill my fears
and for me to leave all my fears behind
For standing in your heart is where I want to be
and long to be
Ah but I may as well try and catch the wind

Barges, I would like to go with you, I would like to sail the ocean blue,
Barges, have you treasures in your hold, Do you fight with pirates, brave and bold?

Out of my window looking in the night, I can see the barge's flickering light
Quietly flows the river to the sea, As the barges do go silently

Out of my window looking in the night, I can see the barge's flickering light
Starboard shines green and port is glowing red, I can see the barges just ahead

How my heart yerns to sail away with you, As you sail across the ocean blue
But I must stay here by my window dear, As the barges sail away from here

The Circle Game

And the seasons they go 'round and 'round, And the painted ponies go up and down,
We are captive on a carousel of time, We can't return, we can only look,
Behind from where we came, And go 'round and 'round and 'round,
In The Circle Game

Yesterday a child came out to wander, Caught a dragonfly inside a jar
Fearful when the sky was full of thunder, And tearful at the falling of a star

Then the child moved ten times 'round the seasons, Skated over ten clear frozen streams
Words like "when you're older" must appease him, And promises of "someday" make his dreams

Sixteen springs and sixteen summers gone now, Cartwheels turned to car wheels through the town
And they tell him "Take your time, it won't be long now", Before you drag your feet to slow the circle down

Years go by and now the boy is twenty, Dreams have lost their grandeur of coming true
But there'll be new dreams, maybe better dreams and plenty, Before the last revolving year is through.

Call John The Boatman

Call John the boatman, call him again,
for loud roars the river and fast falls the rain
John is asleep, he sleeps very sound,
his oars are at rest, and his boat lies aground
On roars the river, so rapid and deep,
that the louder that you call John the sounder he will sleep.

Red Balloon

Laughs are many and tears are few Life's exciting and always new
In a world of girls and boys, In a world of simple joys
Give me a red balloon on a long black string, I can whistle and I can sing
With my red balloon on a long black string, I’d be richer than any king
Give me a warm spring day and an apple tree, There is nothing that I can’t see
When I look up from my apple tree, Look up there and you’ll see me
Give me a paper kite on a windy day, I think I’ll fly away
With my paper kite on a windy day, Yes, I think I’ll fly away
Give me a jar of bubbles and a real good friend, Oh, I hope this day won't end,
With my jar of bubbles and a real good friend, Oh, I pray this day won't end

It will Come to You Again

you look to be a hurt one
 I've seen your face before 
you felt so much one time and know 
you don't feel anymore 
I don't know if you hear me 
you hardly ever smile 
but your hand is around my heart 
so let me sing to awhile 

CHORUS: and you can 
let the music take you 
follow where it leads or turn it 
anyway you want to 
make it what you need 
lose yourself in dreaming 
or seek yourself in pain 
or find yourself in loving
 it could come to you again

your gaze goes off to nowhere 
your eyes are shining bright 
whatever you have seen 
has left you shaken at the site 
I know I can't undo it 
and I can't pull you through 
but let me give you what I can 
and let me sing to you

I'll sing to you of summer 
I'll sing to of summer I'll sing to you of snow
the places I have been to 
and the places I will go 
a song for you to laugh at 
a song to make you cry 
a song about I love you 
and a song about goodbye 

Sailors Song 2001

gentle breezes blow, 
trees reach for the stars. 
calling back to me, 
peace is where u are. 

u are the moment that I seek.
you are my strength when I am weak, 
you are my one true island home. 
and if life takes me far away, 
I know my heart will always stay 
here in my island home.

Song of the Soul

Open mine eyes that I may see
glimpses of truth though hast for me
open my eyes illuminate me spirit divine

Love of my life I am crying 
I am not dying 
 I am dancing
Dancing along in this madness
there is no sadness only a song of the soul
and we will sing this song
why don't you sing along

::Chorus:: and we can sing for a long long time
why don't you sing this song
why don't you sing along
and we can sing for a long long time
What do you do for you're living
are you for giving
giving shelter
follow you're heart love will find you
truth will unbind you
seek you a song of the soul


come to your life like a warrior
nothing will bore ya
you will be happy
lead in the light it will heal you
and you can feel you
and we will sing this song
