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Finally..I got my latest pictures up! Check them out HERE!!

The Many Faces...

(Some of these might show up fuzzy, but most of them are ok, just click on to the next one if the picture you're looking at isn't clear!)

Last updated 7/16/2001

*talking (what I do the most AND the best!), *mad, *disgusted, *snobby, *professional, *smug, *retro, *stoned, *even madder, *happy, *shocked, *tired, *hyper, *relaxed, *smart, *stressed, *thoughtful, *a couple pics of me kickin' it in 2000

Before we get started....make sure you remember to sign my guest book to tell me what you think of my page!!

My name's Megan, I'm 16 and I live in Muncie, IN. I'm about to begin my junior year at YHS and this page will basically be about me and my friends, and stuff like that!

Thank you for coming and visiting my page...I'm still in the process of adding new pics, and updating, and fixing things, and getting this page to look halfway decent. If you've got any input, comments, or suggestions, be sure to sign my guestbook or email me! Thanks!

And my other pages...
Old Pictures!
My Family!
Pictures (Fall of '01)!

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