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HEY EVERYBODY! Welcome to our music site where you can get
all the Ruben tunes you can handle. We'll continuously update the
music and put more on for all of you. Thanks for dropping in!
- Ruben.

12 Chords
Too Late For Cake

Slow Down Buddy
Moon Over Missouri

Riverside Dragon Feast Blues
*Right Click and Save Target As To Save

UPDATE 04/18/07 - Hey everyone! We should be going back into the recording studio to finish up the album in a little bit. Riverside Dragon Feast Blues is a song we demoed for the new album. We don't know if it will be on it. Mack sings this one. Peace, - Ruben.

UPDATE 04/08/07 - Hello everybody! We just put up another new song, it's a demo that was recorded about two years ago. This one as the other song didn't fit the new album so we set it aside. We rarely play this song anymore. It's more of a song that was a transition from Makoto to what we make now. Feel free to request any song you here from us. Or request a song to put up acousticly. Peace, - Ruben.

UPDATE 04/05/07 - Hey everybody! We got a show tonight at Station 4, it's 5pm $5 cover. It's ALL Ages to. Sorry For You is a song we made about three years ago and it was intended to go on the ablum but we decided it didnt fit. We still play it once in a while, thats it. Peace, - Ruben.

UPDATE 04/01/07 - Hey everybody! Thanks for coming to the new site! This will be
our website until the album is released. You will be able to get all your Ruben news here. The Morning Light E.P. was an acoustic cd we recorded last year. It contains a
few songs that were demoed for the new album, but they sound a little different. It's
a fun cd, so enjoy the tunes. Peace, - Dan