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// FILE PROCESSING 2 #include #include #include main() { char x; ifstream infile; char I_file[13]; int chrs = 0; int eoln = 0; cout << "Name of file to read from: "; cin.get(I_file,13); cin.ignore(80,'\n');, ios::in); cout << "Name of file to copy to: "; cin.get(I_file,13); cin.ignore(80,'\n'); if (!infile) { cout << "Error in opening file.\n"; return 0; } infile.unsetf(ios::skipws); while (!infile.eof()) { infile >> x; if (!infile.eof()) { if (x == '\n') { eoln++; } chrs++; } } cout << "The number of the characters is " << chrs << endl; cout << "The number of lines is " << eoln; infile.close(); cin.ignore(); return 0; }