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St. Anthony's Catholic Church
312 Locke Road
Groton, New York 13073
Telephone - (607)898-5135
Fax - (607)898-7608
E-mail -
Mass Schedule
Saturday, 4:00 P.M. (St. Anthony's)
Saturday, 5:30 P.M. (Holy Cross)
Sunday, 8:30 A.M. (St. Anthony's)
Sunday, 10:30 A.M. (Holy Cross)
Weekdays, as scheduled in bulletin
Note: Weekday Mass held in Chapel. Entrance on South side of Church.
Saturday, 2:45 - 3:30 P.M.
1st & 3rd Saturday at St. Anthony's
2nd & 4th Satruday at Holy Cross
Fr. Frank E. Lioi, Pastor
Fr. Peter Abue, Assisting
Kathy Curry, Religious Education Coordinator
Carolann Darling, Youth Ministry
Karen Brown, Pastoral Minister
Muriel Bartlett, Organist
Margie LaFrance, Music Director
Pam Senter, Business Manager/Secretary
Chris Montreuil, Parish Council Chairman
Parish Mission Statement
We are a Roman Catholic community committed to the building up of the Kingdom of God. We joyfully embrace our baptismal call to worship God, to preach the good news of Christ, to build up the community of faith and hope, and to serve those in need.